My stepson annoys me

My stepson annoys me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife haschild from his first marriage, he is 12 years old. The child is hyperactive, talkative and very lazy, interested only in what he needs (walking, playing, watching TV).

Lately he has started to irritate me terribly with his laziness. No matter what he takes or does, he will never put it back and finish it to the end, he constantly forgets everything, lies and twists around in order to do nothing, is very sloppy, treats things carelessly, scattering everything around the apartment.

I am a very pedantic person, everything should be in its place, I don’t like dirt and sloppiness, I don’t like it when people touch my things, because I see that these things are handled carelessly. Since childhood, I was taught order, punctuality and frugality, I always know the value of things, I appreciate everything that is worth something.

The first three years so farmy wife didn’t work, the house was in order, she constantly cleaned everything after me before I arrived. Not to say that she didn’t teach him order, but the child must be constantly kept under control, as soon as you stop doing this he immediately sits on his neck and turns on the “indifferent” mode. It turns out that every minute you have to follow him around and constantly poke at his shortcomings and point out what is correct.

Now my wife got a job and went to study, she has practically no time for this. Every time I come home from work I find myself in chaos in my apartment. Quarrels arose because of him, because when I get home, I start constantly swearing at the dirt and his failure to fulfill his duties around the house in our absence, and these duties concern only him (cleaning up after himself). This leads to daily quarrels with him, and my wife, in defense of her child, is also offended that I am rude and unkind to him. Every day he annoys me more and more. I don’t want to buy him anything, I don’t want to pay for various activities, because he gives up everything and stops going only because of his laziness, where he needs to work and achieve, he doesn’t want to, although at first persuades his mother so that they buy him something or send him to the section.

This happens all the time. It infuriates me that I injure myself and my family in every possible way in order to pay him something, but he doesn’t go or spoils it right there. I don’t even know what the way out of this situation is. I'm supposed to have a conversation with my wife about this today, but I can't figure out if it's herfault and she should fix everything, am I doing something wrong?

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