My boyfriend is leaving me for the second time

My boyfriend is leaving me for the second time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

He left methe guy for the second time. The first time he left and went to his first girlfriend, so this is his firstlove . But a month later he came back to me again, asked for forgiveness, said that he was good with me and he loved me. Everything was fine. We had already been friends for 8 months. I knew his friends, brothers and sisters.

But literally 2 weeks ago he said that we can't be together, that he's cooled off towards me. The reason was my nasty character. I begged him to give me another chance and he gave me time to change. I changed, but then he said again, we're not on the same path, nothing will happen, etc., etc. I didn't understand the specific reason.

The thing is, we haven't seen each other for a month. He went to another city for work. Maybe he really has cooled off? Although how is that possible? Just recently everything was fine, calls, text messages, everything was great. I don't understand how you can just up and quit. And we have mutual friends. So many words and shared dreams... I love him more than life itself. He is the first guy I fell madly in love with, andIt will be hard to forget him. I want him to come back again. The funniest thing is that he suggested "staying friends".

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