My interesting acquaintance

My interesting acquaintance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


After the second year of the institute, I did an internship at the enterprise. The company was small, no more than twenty employees. The appearance of the trainee aroused interest, both among the male and female part of the team. One man in particular took care of me. At my nineteen years old, he seemed to me an old man, although he was no more than thirty.

He was a fascinating conversationalist, and all the time promoted a healthy lifestyle plus a raw food diet. In a nutshell, a raw food diet is eating only raw foods, heat treatment is completely excluded. He said that according to Darwin's theory, man descended from a monkey, and a monkey could not fry and boil food. Therefore, from the point of view of the adaptation of the human stomach to food, it is most natural for him to consume raw food. According to him, as soon as he became a raw foodist, he began to feel much better. Stopped being a slave to the stomach. Now he perceives food as fuel for a car. Spend a lot less money onproducts . Especially since he was a raw foodist-vegetarian.

In general, raw foodists are divided into five groups: omnivores (they eat everything raw), vegetarians (they can eat more test-antibiotic.commilk andeggs ), vegans (only plant-based raw foods), carnivores (plant-based foods are kept to a minimum), fruitarians (only eat rawfruit ). Here is an interesting person I met in practice.


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