My boyfriend doesn't say sweet words to me

My boyfriend doesn't say sweet words to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We've been dating for six months now. It all started out so beautifully. We love each other very much. He even invited usgot married , but I stopped him and said that they needed time to get to know each other well.

Lately we have been arguing a lot over trifles. At the end of the argument he gets on my nerves so much that I leave him out of anger. The next day I forget and forgive him – I can’t be upset with him for long. I grew up in a family where no one yells at anyone, everyone talks calmly, tenderly to each other, even now. I see that my dad, although we have been married for 30 years, still “coddles” my mom, is not embarrassed to say that he still loves her.

And my boyfriend’s parents divorced early. Maybe that’s why he is a very strict, cold-blooded person. The very firstwe had a fight because he said: I said "I love you" once, so know this and I won't repeat it again. We had a fight because of this. All our subsequent fights were against this background. His insensitivity kills me, I want to hear words of tenderness, but not beg for them. He thinks differently. He even says a lot of negative things about my girlfriend and sister, whom he doesn't know, and about my friends he says "a flock of sheep". Now all this irritates me. When we spend time together, everything is fine, when we are apart for a couple of days, we communicate with short messages and always quarrel. He says that I am making things up and winding myself up, that everything is fine and that words mean nothing and it is not worth wasting time and effort on them. I am sure that it is not only me who is to blame for our quarrels, he could also communicate with me more gently, make concessions to me and at least sometimes do what I like. Even if he considers it pointless.

He said that he was giving me time to figure myself out, to grow up and become smarter, although he was in no hurry to admit his mistakes. What should I do? How can I not get offended by little things? How can I not bore him? Should I fight with myself and rebuild myself the way my boyfriend needs?

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