Do I need such a guy?

Do I need such a guy?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Меня зовут Ира, моего парня Паша. Мы вместе уже 8 месяцев. Познакомились год назад, он долго ухаживал, добивался меня, но я сразу поняла — не мой человек, мы слишком разные. И да, мы действительно разные: никаких общих увлечений, разные взгляды на жизнь. Я люблю искусство, а он считает это бредом, я люблю музыку — для него она глупая. Но он был очень напористым, меня это зацепило, и я довольно быстро сдалась. В итоге мы начали встречаться.

Pasha is not at all like my past guys. In every previous relationship, I have been carried around, showered with compliments, admired, just as I did it all for my partner. In the past, I had the confidence that I suit the person next to me in everything, that neither he nor I need anyone else. But not with Pasha. With him, I feel inferior, weak, stupid and dependent. He constantly says that I'm wrong, criticizes me, my hobbies, my appearance. When I decided to go in for sports, changed my hairstyle, did not support me, but only laughed. It pushes me to be better, I try my best, but I still don't see admiration in his eyes.

We don’t have intimacy yet, even though I want to - I’m afraid that after sex he will start criticizing me, and I just can’t stand it. I'm not an ideal or a model, but still a good person, a pretty girl. I believe that he is boundlessly self-centered and self-confident. I understand with my head - it’s hard, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it, it’s bad. The heart loves, endures, believes that he will change and everything will be fine. I try to explain my position to him - he accuses me in response, does not want to notice his mistakes and shortcomings at all.

Before each meeting with him, I worry that something will go wrong and I will look in a bad light in front of him. I can not trust him, open my soul. So what is this relationship? Panic attacks began, next to him,depression and unreasonable longing. But I feel that if I leave it, it will be even worse for me. I can’t decide on, but I simply don’t have the strength to endure it anymore.

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