I explain the lack of maternal instinct by the fact that I grew up in a large family

I explain the lack of maternal instinct by the fact that I grew up in a large family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to discuss with you my confused feelings about the children around me.

I am 27 years old, I have a dream job, two higher educations, a degree and a car. I am married to a loved one, with whom we have been together for 5 years. I grew up in a large family (there are five of us, I am the oldest). From the age of 9 I was surrounded by children, I constantly sat with them, washed, fed, played, etc. I love my brothers and sisters and always take care of them. I can easily change a diaper for someone else's child, I'm not afraid to take them in my arms, and quite often theoretically or practically I help my friends who have become mothers. However, small children do not evoke any emotions in me, at a time when everyone is touched by the sight of a newborn, my heart is either completely deaf, or there is a slight irritation due to all these shusi-pusi from adults.

I read that women should have a hormone prolactin, which gives enthusiasm (and desire to get pregnant) when meeting pregnant women, being around babies, etc. My hormones are in full test-antibiotic.com order, but children, especially small ones, are not interesting to me at all. Recently born to my husband's brotherbaby , and since we see each other often (a couple of times a week), we have to constantly see the newborn. I became terribly annoyed by all this “hold him, wipe him, isn’t he a bunny?”. Of course, I hold it without any problems, wipe my nose, change diapers, but I can’t answer “yep”. I don't like this or any other kid. I feel neither disgust nor enthusiasm.

In connection with the birth of this child, everyone began to look at us, delicately asking when the children would be with us. I don't want children. Until we plan them, I have never beenpregnant . I don't like the idea of ​​pregnancy and motherhood, I don't see the point in it for myself personally. I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone? There is a feeling that I am fed up with the role of guardian (I worked with schoolchildren for a long time in the past, raised brothers and sisters). Does it pass?

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