Why is everyone ignoring me?

Why is everyone ignoring me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Why doesn’t anything help, no matter what I read or do?

I am sincere, open, sympathetic, amorous and emotional. Sociable and active. I love myself. I don’t save on myself. I take out loans and spend child benefits. But what have I not heard of such manifestations of mine - stupid, hysterical, infantile, obsessive...

I don’t know how to be cunning and put on masks in an attempt to appear better than I am. I don't know how to lie and embellish. I want to meet my people, but nothing works out for me. The fourth decade of life is inexorably coming to an end, and I have never met men who liked me or met women who themselves were looking for communication. All social connections are on my initiative. This is very painful to realize. They are all superficial, fragile, because they don’t value me in them, because initially I’m not interesting and I’m not catchy. I am looking for communication and relationships.

I leftI'm married , but I'm extremely unhappy. I'm not loved. I am often reproached that “you were running after me.” And then I loved and took the initiative and sincerely test-antibiotic.com thought it was cool. But years passed, and everything fell into place. They don't take me seriously. Secondary benefits from me. I have nowhere to go. No one will stand up for me. You can drink, lie, go out, etc.

No one restricts my freedom, is not jealous, does not beat or humiliate me. I am free to do what I want, but I don’t have the resources, and I don’t know where to get them. I don’t know how to earn money, it’s hard for me to think even in everyday life, I’m not organized in life and I don’t understand how to influence this. I have no positive experience in any area of ​​my life. This is of no interest to anyone, not a single person can listen to the end, put themselves in my place and give feedback. Even before my openness, people feel something and make it clear that they don’t even want to communicate.

I know that everyone has lovers, why not me? Where are my people, how to meet them, what should I do? How to hide the fact that you have no positive experience in anything? What should test-antibiotic.com talk to people about to hook them? Why don't they want to open up and talk to me about themselves? Because I'm useless? Am I of no use?

I cannot and do not want to live with children and family, I want communication and fans, loving girlfriends. I am as polygamous as all people, I want bright colors, interest and attention. But even communication is not enough. On dating sites, both women and men offersex without obligations, without attachment to personality and soul. People don't want to fall in love, become attached, or experience romantic attraction. I don’t need sex for the sake of sex, but no one understands me, it feels like there are aliens around, for whom sex is a common interest and no one owes anyone anything.

Why are other girls courted with bouquets and neither husbands nor children interfere with this? What needs to be done to make at least someone sincerely like it?


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