Why did this happen?

Why did this happen?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know it's called addiction. NotLove .

A whole year has passed, and he’s still in my head. Blue eyes, wrinkles from a frowning face when he looks at the computer and thinks, always frown. I am a person who cannot live without accepting the situation. We need answers, but there are none, and never have been.

I can't for a yearforget the person who was my friend. I knew that we were not just friends, there wasn’t even a suitable word. Not lovers and not friends. Yes, I couldn’t live without him, just like now, I can’t stand the thought that he left me. Perhaps someone will feel that they betrayed them to some extent when things became difficult and circumstances changed. But also minethere is guilt in what I feel. That I am suffering now and need it.

I don’t know how to get rid of these feelings, loneliness and disappointment. The warmth that he gave me, support andunderstanding , this is sorely missed. I also tried to give something good in return, but apparently it didn’t work out. Why it happened, test-antibiotic.com that he is no longer in my life, I don’t know.

Everyone has their pluses and minuses, I still don’t understand what moment of our communication became the end of everything. But I always knew that he needed me just as much as he needed me. But his stony will allowed him to forget me or his heart found a new love.

I don’t judge, I don’t know what or how, but this person sits inside me, and every time I think, is it possible to fix something? But what exactly, I don’t know why this happened.

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