Why are women so eager to get married and become a man's slave?

Why are women so eager to get married and become a man's slave?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I noticed a trend, many people (most often women, men much less often) dissolve in a loved one, likesugar in tea. They live only for him, they cannot imagine their life without him. At the same time, some don’t even think about what their other half wants from them.

For example, a woman writes that she goes to bed at 2 a.m. and gets up at 6 a.m. to prepare breakfast. And who needs this breakfast, looking at the wife’s sleep-deprived face? Then we feel resentment towards men because we do something for them that we don’t want to do, and they are unhappy and wipe their feet on us. So who is to blame besides us that men don’t value us? Wouldn’t the couple really be happier if we stopped doing what for some reason we consider obligated to do, and then we are offended that we were not appreciated.

Another centuries-old trend is the desire of a woman to go out quicklymarried ​What does marriage give? That we won't be single moms? Who ever said that it’s bad to raise a child alone if you have the financial opportunity? Women are already ready to invest their own money in a test-antibiotic.com wedding just to get this status. What does a stamp in a passport indicate about marriage? 80% of divorces, and division of property. Many people joinmarriage , they take out a mortgage, after some time people become uncomfortable living together and only this mortgage holds their marriage together. It turns out to be some kind of tyranny.

Now many will doubt that I am a woman and write this. But I sincerely don’t understand two things: how can you do something that another person doesn’t ask you to do, and then be offended that he didn’t appreciate it? And what is the joy for a woman from a stamp in her passport in our time?

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