Did I choose the right side in a conflict at work?

Did I choose the right side in a conflict at work?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At work, one employee began to resent the fact that we had baskets of cookies in our offices for snacking and for guests. He stated that when he ate those cookies, he allegedly felt sick. Started demanding that they buy something else, for example,fruits , although he had no authority to demand, he is not the boss.

Because of his antics and ambitions, no one likes him. We began to be indignant, in response he began to threaten that he would provoke the dismissal of our boss. But since I am on good terms with her and consider her a good person, his threats made me feel uneasy.

exthat employee’s girlfriend told me in confidence that this person can really go all the way and doesn’t know when to stop. She asked me to remain silent, but my conscience was gnawing at me and I told this boss of mine everything: about the behavior, and about the statements of that employee, and about his intentions. Of course, she immediately started a thrashing, even went to that girl, saying that she would arrange a case against her ex and do everything test-antibiotic.com to get him fired. This girl is in tears, because... she feels sorry for that impudent guy, apparently she still cares about him.

She came to me and asked why I told him. And she warned that she would deny everything and was not going to confirm her words. And then she generally tried to excuse herself that she was supposedly joking.

Now my conscience is gnawing at me: did I do the right thing by warning my boss? Although if I had not done this, my conscience would still torment me. In any case, I'm setting up either my boss or that girl. Was I wrong?

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