Annoying tracking

Annoying tracking
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've gotman _ He is very jealous. We don't live together for a number of reasons, but we live nearby geographically and can always meet whenever we want. He has one like thishabit , when he is at work or we are not together, he often asks me: “Are you at home?” If not, then he asks when I’ll come or write to him when I’m home. When I leave for my hobby, he always tells me: “When you come home, write.” But as soon as I enter home, after 3-5 minutes I receive a message: “How was your walk?” I began to notice this very often and even checked on him, he always knows when I entered.

And the question is: “how can he track me?” I blocked all geodata transmissions on my phone wherever possible. I couldn’t install anything in the apartment; we are always together. Many people say that something is installed in the entrance. Maybe a camera? Maybe some kind of motion detector or something else and how can I find it? It’s very unpleasant when they follow you like that and know your every move.

At first it was funny to me, but now is really annoying. Someone says that the batteries need to be changed there, and he just asked me recently when I would leave and when I would arrive so that I could write. He can come and set everything up at any moment when I’m not there. Buying a camera to track him is not an option: if there is a camera there, he will see it.

I'm so tired of this! I don’t want to ask directly, I would like to figure it out myself, find this device, and then I’ll decide what to do.

I want to ask for advice from those who are in the topic in question. Thank you in advance.

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