Parents judge you for your chosen major

Parents judge you for your chosen major
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Now I'm graduatingUniversity majoring in microbiology. Studying excites me and greatly inspires me. The knowledge that I receive there is like a breath of fresh air.

Initially, I enrolled in a paid program, but in the first semester I was transferred to a budget program. I am incredibly proud of myself and what I can share if someone is truly interested in this topic and asks me with genuine interest.

But it gnaws at me that my family doesn’t take me and this kind of profession seriously. By the way, almost all of my close relatives trained as accountants, managers, etc. When I told them about my intention to go into a specialty that few people know, thenthe reaction was mixed.

Now I’m finishing my bachelor’s degree, and my family doesn’t even know the name of my specialty. I am not particularly supported and treated with skepticism. When the conversation concerns such topics and I have something to say from a more or less professional point of view, no one listens to me and they just brush me off. They are only happy that they did not have to pay for their studies. When I applied to for a fee, they told me that “it would be better to become a lawyer.”

This underminesself- confidence and the desire to learn further goes away. On the one hand, I understand them. The unknown is always scary, but it’s better to try and understand that it’s not for you than to study where you were told, receive a good, stable salary, but not be passionate about your work. I believe that I can achieve a lot, because I have a great desire and craving for this.

They don't even hide the fact that they don't approve of my choice and don't take it seriously. Nowadays there are very few people who go to higher education institutions in a specialty that they like. And all my desire is repulsed by one of their glances when I try to explain something. I am very pained by their indifference; after all, they are not strangers, and I want their approval.

I feel like a kind of scum of society, and sometimes I think that I have made a huge mistake. They drive it into my head that I won’t be able to achieve much and that I won’t earn much money That all this is not promising and very superficial.

I don’t know what to do: go further to study, or abandon this idea and start doing something where I can make good money.

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