I try not to remember my wife's betrayal and I want to be happy

I try not to remember my wife's betrayal and I want to be happy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know if you can understand me, just imagine the picture. You and your loved one have been together for a very long time, from your youth and even a little earlier. You have gone through a lot together, you are very happy, make plans, achieve your goals, and it would seem that everything will always be like this. And then one day you will find out the old secret of your loved one. oldtreason that occurred 11 years ago.

I could not forgive and endure. In my case, after I learned this truth, I had to go through three days of hell. For three days I suffered, suffered and experienced everything alone in myself, and then the morning of a new, different life came. I just burned to the ground, the pain burned out everything - feelings, memory, suffering. I woke up and realized that I no longer feel anything at all, silence, emptiness and cold. Sometimes my new state scared even me.

We divorced hard. She cried, begged to forgive and give a chance to fix everything and prove herlove , and I looked at a person who had recently been loved to madness, and felt nothing but an unpleasant test-antibiotic.com sensation, like an unpleasant toothache. It doesn't hurt, but it's very annoying. I erased her and our more than 18 years of history from my life. I began to live in a new way. But I can hardly call it a full life. I have a job, hobbies, hobbies, I have relatives and close people, friends, but I couldn’t fall in love anymore, just like I could overcome this state to the end.

After reading the works on psychology, I tried to put an end to this story for myself, I thought a lot about it and tried to figure out why it all happened, but I came to two things: firstly, I don’t care why, how and why, I have long survived and turned over this page for himself, and secondly, everything can be explained only by ordinary human weakness and meanness. Why explain betrayal, a person betrayed the most sacred, crossed over the family for the sake of lust and comfort, did not think about loving relatives, but only about his own pleasure. Do I need to explain all this because everything is clear. And I and test-antibiotic.com could not find the answer to the question why I could no longer fall in love, fall in love and start a new relationship. There is only one answer - I just burned out inside, something in me died, atrophied, died and disappeared as unnecessary.

I am a happy man. I am really happy and satisfied with my life. And I try not to think about the past or the life that could have been. In the end, everything is as it is, and there is no point in regretting what is no longer there or about that mythical thing that, perhaps, could have been, and maybe could not have been. You need to live here and now. Appreciate what is, and do not waste time on bad things and on dreams and dreams.

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