Churched wife

Churched wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married for 11 years, there isdaughter _ There is no emotional contact with my wife, at all. She is a believer, a churchgoer, and all her thoughts are about God.

The wife is responsible, a good housewife,mother andwife , but she does all this automatically to please higher powers. But I can no longer stand this state, her stiffness, prudence and coldness in relationships. The wife dresses like a nun. As soon as she does so, she immediately runs to consult with the priest, but doesn’t ask my opinion. This offends me terribly. She doesn't ask how I'm doing, what I feel and worry about. I try to do all this for her, but it all comes to nothing.

My wife can only say that I earn little or don’t help much around the house, because she doesn’t have time to do everything herself. I once said that instead of spending most of your time in church, you need to spend time with your husband and daughter, family. Instead of understanding, I heard a whole sermon that I am an atheist, that people like me are to blame for everything that is happening in our country now, that I simply have to go and defend it! I asked: “from whom to protect?” My wife suggested going to my father so he could explain all this to me.

Naturally, I’m not going to go anywhere, neither to the priest, nor for protection from non-existent enemies. Even at work I have nothing to say about my life whenColleagues exchange phrases about family life. I'm ashamed to tell the whole truth. You can either endure it or get a divorce. Moreover, I am not an authority for my daughter; she and her mother also go to church regularly.

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