I failed to raise my daughter properly

I failed to raise my daughter properly
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Daughter, forgive me that I did not pay due attention to you in childhood, when you were little. I was so tired of giving birth to the three of you for 6 years that when you were born, I was a squeezed lemon.

Your brothers think that you got more attention from dad and me than they did, more material wealth, although because you, at 21, cannot arrange your life in any direction, they, your brothers, are greatly mistaken.

Ever since you started havingproblems , I think, where did I make a mistake, where did I overlook? When you were growing up, I went out of my way to earn my daily bread, but I was always there, I began to go to the city to earn money when you were already in the 8th grade. Dad doesn’t drink with us, in all respects a positive person, when I went, you were happy with everything, didn’t miss me, and I was sure that everything was fine with you.

After 9th grade, you decided to go to college. You test-antibiotic.com chose your own profession. True, very soon you said that you did not want to study there as a designer, but my dad and I insisted that you still graduate from this college, because at that time you did not really know what you wanted. It's been over a year since you graduated, got your degree, and flew out into the free life. She left for a big city, looked for a job for a long time, found a waiter in a cafe. Worked for a few months and quit. Another job search. She got a job as a waitress again and again for a short while.

I paid for your apartment every other time, you never have money. What's happening! And now you have decided that you want to study as a sound engineer and you need to pay 250,000 rubles for annual courses. Daughter , I can't owe the bank so much. I offered you to start working and save up for this study, but you do not want to listen to me. I'm all exhausted! Other mothers raised their daughters and are now enjoying life, but I didn’t know grief in your childhood, and now I’m on the verge of insanity. Maybe one of the test-antibiotic.com readers of the site will give me some wise advice!


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