I never wanted to make a career, so I had to quit

I never wanted to make a career, so I had to quit
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It is difficult to find a job in our city, and a good job can only be found through a recommendation or an acquaintance. Therefore, when my boss offered me the leadership of a problematic department, which they even wanted to close at one time, I agreed, fearing to lose my job. And the fact that the department could be disbanded and many people would be left without jobs also played a role. But I still decided to set the condition that I would work until they found a person for my position, and I would return to my place. The boss agreed, and I began to understand the problems of this branch.

The work was new, and it took a lot of time. House,family , vacation, everything faded into the background. The operation of the chain of stores and the profit of the company depended on me. After a month of such work, I could already boast of the first results and I was sent on a business trip to the capital to the main office. And there I understood how to work, despite the fact that my salarycolleagues were three times taller. She managed to visit the hairdresser during working hours, anddrink coffee , I might be late for test-antibiotic.com work. At the same time, our results cannot even be compared. I'm used to working like this.

When I returned, I decided to talk to the boss about returning to my previous position, to which he reacted violently: “What are you doing, Olenka, you’re coping and I’m very pleased with you.” Then I asked for a salary increase, and he didn’t like it, he said he’d think about it. I decided to quit and look for a job; before that I worked in a bank. I never liked the role of a boss, I didn’t strive for it, and therefore I parted with it painlessly. I’m a little nervous just because I’m still without work, but I hope these are temporary difficulties.

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