
Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects a person's physical and mental health. Alcohol use can lead to various diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular disorders and even cancer. In addition, alcoholism can negatively affect relationships with family and friends, as well as one's job and financial situation. Therefore, it is important to understand that alcohol is not a cure for problems, but only a temporary way to escape from reality. If you or someone close to you is suffering from alcoholism, do not hesitate to seek help from professionals and seek support from people close to you.
  • I tolerate this attitude so that my son has a father.
    My life story began a little over two years ago. At first it seemed to me that this was my conscious choice of a man. I even made a plan, described point by point what qualities he should have, apparently I missed one point -alcoholism .I clearly understood that I was turning a blind eye to obvious ...
  • Stepfather ruined our whole life
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  • Interesting facts about Alcoholism
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  • Double betrayal made me a confirmed bachelor
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  • The story of my drunken life
    Everyone says thatThere is no cure for alcoholism - that's true. The truth is because there is no way andmedicine to cure it. Until a person himself wants to get rid of it. And just when he realized that this was ruining himlife , then you need to pull yourself together and give up on it, or seek he...
  • It's never too late to be happy
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  • 10 причин отказаться от пива...
    Пиво – это алкогольный напиток, который любят многие люди по всему миру. Однако, употребление пива может привести к множеству проблем со здоровьем. В этой статье мы расскажем о 10 причинах, почему стоит отказаться от пива. 1. Пиво содержит алкоголь. Употребление алкоголя может привести к зависимости...
  • Похмелье... 10 способов выхода из похмелья...
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  • How alcohol affects the body...
    Alcohol is one of the most common problems in our society. Many people do not think about the negative consequences of drinking alcohol, but they exist and can be very serious. In this article, we will look at ten negative effects of alcohol. 1. Addiction. Alcohol can lead to addiction, which can gr...
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  • Alcoholism ... 10 Adverse Effects on the Body
    Alcohol is one of the most widespread and dangerous drugs in the world. Drinking alcohol daily can lead to serious health consequences, both physical and mental. In this article, we will look at 10 harmful facts from alcohol on the body. 1. Liver damage Alcohol is one of the main causes of liver dis...
  • Female alcoholism
    FemaleAlcoholism is a serious problem that can lead to various mental and physical illnesses. External manifestations of female alcoholism can be different and depend on the stage of the disease. In the early stages, female alcoholism can manifest itself as frequent drinking of small amounts of alco...
  • beer alcoholism
    beerAlcoholism is one of the most common types of alcohol addiction. Many people believe that beer is a harmless drink that can be consumed in large quantities without any health effects. However, this is not the case. Beer alcoholism can lead to many serious health problems. First, beer is high in ...
  • Women's alcoholism, causes ...
    FemaleAlcoholism is becoming more and more common in today's society. Many women start usingalcohol for various reasons, which can be both internal and external. One of the main causes of female alcoholism is stress. The modern rhythm of life, constant stress at work and at home can lead to the fact...
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  • How does female alcoholism begin?
    FemaleAlcoholism is a problem that starts with many factors. Some of them may be related to genetic heritage, while others may be related to the environment and lifestyle. But in any case, the beginning of female alcoholism always begins with the first glass. Often women begin to usealcohol in socia...
  • Female alcoholism...
    FemaleAlcoholism is a serious problem that can lead to many negative consequences for women's health and social life. In this article, we look at several reasons why female alcoholism is dangerous and how it can affect women's lives. First, women who usealcohol , are more prone to various diseases a...
  • What is more dangerous Female or male alcoholism?
    FemaleAlcoholism is a serious problem that can lead to many negative health effects. Unlike male alcoholism, female alcoholism can have more serious consequences for a woman's body. First, women are more sensitive to alcohol than men. This is because women have less body water and more adipose tissu...