
  • Mother doesn't want to communicate normally
    I am 31 years old. Imarried and I have an eight year olddaughter . I have complex onesrelationship with my mother, who is constantly offended by me and constantly demands financial help.At the age of 19 I leftmarried ​My parents did not have a stable income, my father was a musician,Mom is a realtor...
  • The apartment became the reason for such a relationship
    The mother-in-law and father-in-law do not trust their daughter-in-law. They believe that it is possible that she will divorce their son, so they do not want to register their child in the apartment that was given to the son, but registered in the name of the father-in-law.The mother-in-law, in turn...
  • My son changed a lot after meeting a girl
    I have the same onesrelationship with his son, as in this story. Just nowmy son doused me with another portion of cold. He's been doing this continuously for the last year. I just can't come to terms with this.We were friends, colleagues. I helped him a lot in life. Yes, the umbilical cord was long ...
  • I want a normal family
    I want to tell the real story of my divorce from my wife and explain its reasons. Explain, rather, for myself, because... Because of women's solidarity, I do not hope for objectivity in the comments under this confession.Today I am happy because I have two wonderful microorganisms, two and four year...
  • My failed office romance
    After two years of loneliness, I met a guy, he came to our office, and I immediately liked him. Even then I thought that it couldn’t be that such a handsome guy didn’t havegirls (we immediately learned that he was not married).How surprised I was when Pasha invited me to the cinema, then began to gi...
  • Не могу забыть, как мама и сестра со мной поступили
    Я вышла замуж в 22 года, папа тогда уже болел. Сестре было 17 лет, жила она с родителями в двухкомнатной хрущевке. Я с мужем жила у его бабушки в кухне. Муж, бросив любимую работу, на которой не строили жильё, устроился на малооплачиваемую, но со служебным жильём. Нам дали комнату на подселение в че...
  • Mom is driving me out of the house
    I'm 19 years old, I'm a student. MyMom , despite the fact that she is not so old yet, simply squeezes all the other residents out of the apartment with some of her old lady whims. The apartment is cluttered with huge house plants, we are all constantly fighting for space to move around the house.Mom...
  • Mom is against me getting married a second time
    I have long wanted to seek help from a specialist, because... I am a psychologist by profession, but I can’t help myself. I'll try to write briefly. I have been divorced for three years (I lived with my ex-husband for 9 years), I have a 6-year-old son. And for almost three years I have been dating a...
  • My wife doesn't listen to me and doesn't understand me
    I was sadexperience in a relationship where I was betrayed and exchanged formoney . I am 27 years old, I play sports, work, without bad habits. In January 2017, I met a girl (before we met, I didn’t allow women to approach me in terms of relationships, as I had a very difficult time withbetrayal ).W...
  • Второй брак еще хуже первого
    Моя жизнь — это комок из неправильных и скоропостижных решений, в результате которых я теряю себя и не понимаю, как жить дальше, и что делать.Мне 30 лет, живу в Москве, родом из другого города, четыре года уже живу в Москве, прижилась так сказать. Я в браке, это мой второй брак, в этом году в январе...
  • Why did I need someone else's husband?
    So I decided to write my life story and ask for advice. I'm 36 years old, I'm a pretty pretty young woman, I have a good job,apartment , a lot of friends. Wasmarried , with my first husband Dima, we studied at the university together - studentlove , we got married in the 3rd year, and a year later w...
  • My mother-in-law forbids my mother to come to me to help with the child
    We live with my mother-in-law. The relationship is cool because she disliked my mother from the first time we met. They don't communicate at all. I am very upset, because my parents treat my husband well. But he doesn’t appreciate it, he doesn’t want to offend his mother.Three months ago we had a ba...
  • I hate my father
    I hate my father. Perhaps, after reading this, someone will remain of the opinion that I am cruel or even worse, but I don’t care. When I was born, thenmy father was not very happy and instead tore the whole apartment to smithereens, because he was expecting a boy, and I was born.Over time, of cours...
  • The ex-wife haunts neither her husband nor me
    exmy wifemy husband gives us no peace. She is a little over 30 years oldno longer invited to get married with children, so she calls my husbandevery day . He considers me guilty, is jealous, wants to break up our family, constantly repeating how the children miss their father. They even call me back...
  • I'm tired of my mother's pessimism
    I'm tired of my mother, or rather her endless pessimism and whining. Initially we had very goodrelationship , but the older I got, the more difficult it was for us to communicate. Now I just try not to talk too much, just to the point.Unfortunately, it turned out that myMy husband has been missing f...
  • Despite the fact that I am pregnant, my beloved returned to his ex-wife
    I am 26 years old. I dated a young man for a year. We met, mutual sympathy,love , as I thought. At that time he had been divorced for about 6 months. Of course, not a long time, but still I thought something would work out.After a week of our acquaintance, he introduced me to his parents, brother an...
  • Daughter-in-law's lies
    How to get your daughter-in-law to keep her promise? She promised to transfer the apartment to me, and now she’s pretending to be an innocent lamb.I raised my children alone; after being widowed at an early age, I dedicated the rest of my life tolife for children, tried to give them everything, with...
  • I'm to blame for my wife's betrayal
    I've been with my wife for almost 7 years, we havelittle daughter , 2 years old. Whenmy wife became pregnant, I left to work. We did not live richly, and I understood that it would be best if I left so that there would bemoney . As a result, I left for almost 11 months; we regularly kept in touch vi...
  • My Social Media Addiction
    I am 27 years old, I am a manicurist. Social media has penetrated so deeply into mylife that I was scrolling through the news feed at breakfast, distracted by videos of cats at work and at dinner, which was terribly annoyinghusband .And it all started because of Instagram. The feed became endless, I...
  • I'm used to being alone and I don't need anyone
    I am 28 years old. I live alone with my daughter. Her husband died when she was six months old. I had to face many difficulties, but gradually everything got better. My daughter goes to kindergarten, I work, the work is normal, the salary is also good. We live separately in a small one-room apartmen...