Antibiotics in meat: what you need to know

Antibiotics in meat: what you need to know
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Many people know that antibiotics are used to treat infections in humans and animals. However, not everyone knows that antibiotics can be found in the meat that we eat every day.
In modern cattle breeding, antibiotics are widely used for the prevention and treatment of animal diseases. This allows you to increase productivity and reduce the cost of treating animals. However, this approach to meat production can lead to negative consequences for human health.
Eating meat containing antibiotics can lead to the development of resistance in humans. Antibiotic resistance means that the drug no longer works on the bacteria that cause infections. This can lead to stronger and more expensive antibiotics being used to treat infections.
In addition, antibiotics can adversely affect the human intestinal microflora. The intestinal microflora plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body, and its violation can lead to various diseases.
How to avoid eating meat containing antibiotics? There are several ways:
- Buy meat from reliable suppliers who do not use antibiotics in their production.
- Pay attention to the labeling on the packaging of meat. Some manufacturers indicate that their products do not contain antibiotics.
- Avoid eating meat that has been treated with antibiotics to increase shelf life or improve palatability.
In addition, it should be remembered that meat consumption should be moderate. Excessive consumption of meat can lead to various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.
In conclusion, antibiotics in meat are a serious problem that can negatively affect human health. Therefore, it is important to monitor the quality of products and choose reliable suppliers who do not use antibiotics in the production of their products.

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