I chose a serious profession, and now I'm afraid of competition

I chose a serious profession, and now I'm afraid of competition
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I always thought that I had definitely decided on the choice of profession. Almost immediately after graduation, I was able to find a job in my specialty, and all that was required, and now is required, is to constantly work on myself. But now, at the age of 26, I somehow hesitated a little.

I am a project engineer in the oil and gas sector, and on the one hand, I think that this is mine, it is interesting. Firstly, a constant load on the brain, development, learning along the way, healthy competition with guys who find it all the easier, and as a big plus - in our country it is still profitable and prestigious, and the salaries are quite decent.

On the other hand, at the age of 26 now, while everything has temporarily stalled at work (the consequences of the pandemic, projects have temporarily slowed down), I thought about it and realized that I was scared. It's scary to compete with the very guys who find it very easy. An inferiority complex has arisen, I feel stupider than them, plus the profession itself is difficult for the brain to master (everything is based on science, what works, etc.) I need to develop around the clock, otherwise competitors will crush me, for example, test-antibiotic.com I will look for a new job.

On the one hand, the prospect is flattering when I will be likefish in the water, earn a lot and have a serious profession, which I definitely won’t be lost, even if oil is not relevant. But on the other hand, to be honest, I am confused by all these current fashion trends, where you learn the basics online. For example, SMM or graphic design, and then you earn no less than others, you take orders, you feel calmer (I'm not saying that it's easy, I understand that you also need to study there, but I know for sure that choosing the right compressor is much more difficult than doing visual in instagram to order, and make money on it.

I watch my favorite bloggers on Instagram and feel that they have seized on a profitable rod, and they work beautifully, purely for the soul, but at the same time profitable, and I’m somewhere stuck in the past with my specialty. But on the other hand, I don't like working alone at home, I need communication and teamwork.

Now I have a lot of different thoughts of doubts, pros and cons, and I don’t want to give up test-antibiotic.com what I have, but somehow it’s also become lazy to continue doing this. Right now I have online courses hanging, a lot of unread materials on work, but all this scares me, it’s easier to watch bloggers on the Internet who work without anxiety, without fear, etc.

What would you do? Maybe I was just attacked by this all-round mania for online professions and fell for it? Or maybe on the contrary, such old-fashioned professions as mine have become obsolete and it's time to keep up with the times?

Share who you work for and do you feel something similar? I am completely demotivated about my work. I need a kick to pick up my mind and study further. You can give me that kick. Thank you in advance.


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