8 Mistakes When Taking Antibiotics

8 Mistakes When Taking Antibiotics
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Antibiotics are a powerful drug that is used to fight infections. However, if antibiotics are used incorrectly, serious health consequences are possible. In this article, we will talk about 8 mistakes to avoid when taking antibiotics.
1. Misprescribing Antibiotics
Antibiotics are not suitable for treating all types of infections. For example, they do not help with viral infections such as the flu or the common cold. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the diagnosis and prescription of antibiotics are correct.
2. Wrong choice of antibiotics
There are many different antibiotics, each designed to fight a specific type of infection. With the wrong choice of antibiotic, undertreatment or the development of resistance to the drug may occur.
3. Non-compliance with the reception mode
The antibiotic regimen is very important for the effectiveness of treatment. Non-compliance with the regimen may lead to undertreatment or the development of drug resistance.
4. Premature discontinuation of antibiotics
Premature discontinuation of antibiotics can lead to undertreatment of the infection and the development of drug resistance.
5. Improper storage of antibiotics
Antibiotics should be stored in a dry place at room temperature. Improper storage can lead to deterioration of the quality of the drug and loss of its effectiveness.
6. Use of antibiotics without a doctor's prescription
Self-medication with antibiotics can lead to inappropriate drug selection, undertreatment of the infection, and development of drug resistance.
7. Use of antibiotics unnecessarily
The use of antibiotics unnecessarily can lead to the development of resistance to the drug and adversely affect health.
8. Incompatibility of antibiotics with other drugs
Some antibiotics may be incompatible with other medicines, which can lead to unwanted side effects or less effective treatment.
In conclusion, when taking antibiotics, you must follow the doctor's recommendations, choose and take the drugs correctly, not interrupt treatment without the doctor's permission, and store the drugs in accordance with the instructions. Only in this case it is possible to achieve effective and safe treatment of the infection.

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