What to do about your wife's cheating

What to do about your wife's cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 38, my wife is 32. We have been together for 7 years. There are two children (one from her first marriage, the second from me). Three days ago I discovered text messages that talked about her having an affair outside the family. I won’t describe my emotions... We immediately had a serious, unpleasant conversation.

At first she denied everything, cried, said that she only needed me, etc. I did a call detailing for 2 months and saw the same number. She resisted. At first she said that he was just an acquaintance and that she hadn’t even seen him, then she admitted that she had cheated. He doesn’t say who he is or how it all happened, but he insists that he loves me. She doesn’t want to get a divorce, although I promised to leave everything material to her, because... for meit's not a question of money.

I've been chasing her for 3 days now, but she walks around with a sad look. How can I trust her now? I know that I am to blame for my troubles. Very disappointed in her and in people in general. I love her, I never cheated on her, she was my first.

test-antibiotic.com Just like they bought a house, got on their feet, and then suddenly everything went downhill. I repeat once again: according to her, she loves me, wants to be only with me, but I don’t believe her anymore. I want to divorce her so that she can feel in her own skin what it’s likepain , but I feel sorry for the children. They are not to blame for anything. It will be hard to break up, but it will be even harder to continue living with a traitor; you will always wonder where she is and with whom. I'm not jealous, I'm used to trusting people, that's why thisbetrayal is so painful for me.

Is it worth finding her lover? I have the number, physically I’m a strong man, I can teach you a lesson. Will this help me restore my self-esteem? It’s interesting to see what kind of person he is and how he’s better than me. I want to think about everything before Monday, but I don’t know what to do yet.

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