How to overcome food addiction and get rid of a big belly?

How to overcome food addiction and get rid of a big belly?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I find it difficult to go to the gym. The thing is, the reason I went there was because of my big belly. I’ve been going for a year and four months now, but nothing is going away. Yes, my shoulders became more beautiful, my biceps were bigger, overall I became a little thinner, but my stomach remained the same.

I somehow felt ashamed, what do people think about me? Everyone there is beautiful, slim, and has achieved their results, but I still was and remains fat. Repeaters at school probably experience the same shame. The fact is that it is difficult for me to limit myself in food, for me food is practically the only pleasure in life, and entertainment and a cure for stress, and so on. Giving up food is almost unthinkable for me. I constantly go to hypermarkets and buy something,every day , and I eat constantly.

Although, on the other hand, I have been counting calories for a long time, and I found out that I eat somewhere around 2500 kcal per day, that is, somewhere close to the norm. But I still feel like I eat too much. But I can’t solve my problem, namely getting rid of my stomach. Maybe one of the readers of the site suffered from the same problem, you can advise me, tell me something.

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