I love my lover and I can't give up my happiness

I love my lover and I can't give up my happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to confess too. At 16, I met a man who was 11 years older and married. But I looked into his eyes and realized that I would not mind being with him.

Time passed, I leftmarried . Everything was fine, but this man was periodically encountered. Very, very rare. The conversation was on a general topic for no more than a minute.

When I turned 28, it so happened that I startedromance with him. Later, he admitted that he was waiting for the right moment, did not know how to approach, was afraid that I was married and would not understand his intentions, etc. As it turned out, throughout the whole time we liked each other. It's hard, it's hard for me. In the sense that I understand that it is a sin, that it is impossible to do this, but I have always been brought up correctly. Thoughts arose to change her husband, but both arose and went out, at the level of fantasy. And he is my irresistible craving, I can’t live without him, he is like a breath of air.

I didn’t even think that I was cheating on my husband, that I was doing test-antibiotic.com wrong. At first it was just a passion, and then I fell in love for real, fell in love, gained wings. Some kind of necessary and necessary began to feel. From the first meeting, neither he nor I were going to get divorced. We're just good together. This "good" has been going on for more than 5 years. If it were not for our families, we would definitely get married, we are so suitable for each other. He recently admitted that he was married.

After 2.5 years of our meetings, he got married, and as if nothing had happened, continued to meet with me. He says it means nothing to him. And the wedding was strange, without confessions, communion, etc. I knew from the very beginning that he treats church commandments and holidays in this way, and I didn’t really like it in him. He always consoled me with the phrase thatlove is not sin, God is not against love. Bad consolation, but there it is. When I found out that he was married, I felt bad at heart. I know it wasn't right from the start.

He doesn't want test-antibiotic.com to stop meeting. He says he won't let me go anywhere. Is it possible? I don't know what to say to him and I don't know how to refuse him. As if everyone says that it is black, but I do not see this, and I will contradict everyone, I say, this is a snow-white color.

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