I don't need this kind of friendship

I don't need this kind of friendship
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend avoids our friendship and befriends those whom she used to condemn. A friend is my co-worker at work. When she came to us, she was new, and I was the first person she became friends with.

Since then, we have become very good friends: at lunch we went out together,drinking coffee - together, organizing something - together, shared experiences, problems, discussed joint affairs and work in the office. During such conversations, she complained to me about one employee whom she could not stand, because she constantly defended herself in the presence of the director and made her friend feel guilty. Her friend was very angry with her and disliked her.

Then the director changed. Everything calmed down. The accusing employee became "white and fluffy." Each time she tried to get into our conversation, forced herself to go with us. And so gradually she became a good friend to my friend. She invited her to the wedding, for her birthday. My girlfriend with me has become not so closely communicate. Rather, a third person appeared in our pair. Then I felt distant andjealousy . But she continued to communicate with test-antibiotic.com. I was interested with her, there was a lot to learn from her. Then the employee quit. My friend and I continued to communicate, but not as closely as before.

But recently there was a case that with the feat to write me thisconfession . The company fired one employee. He was very important to the office. Everyone was in mourning. This employee blamed another employee with whom I was very good friends for his dismissal, and believed that if I was friends with him, then I was also involved in this. And after this dismissal, my girlfriend generally moved away from me. She is not angry with me (at least she does not express it in any way), she is not angry, she talks, but the behavior is as if we are ordinary ordinary colleagues without a hint of friendship. And what's more, she became friends with a colleague with whom she quarreled the day before and said that while she was working here, she would never communicate with her.

And now the question gnaws at me: why did my girlfriend move away from me? After all, I never did anything bad test-antibiotic.com to her. Always defended in front of colleagues, superiors. Defended her interests. Maybe it's a fired colleague? He was her boss, but no more (that's for sure!). She also complained to me very much about him, more than once she came running in tears. But on the day of dismissal, she was very upset and depressed. And it is especially interesting why she first criticizes, complains, takes offense at certain people, and then becomes almost their best friend, while moving away from me?

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