My suspicious boss

My suspicious boss
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was very happy that I successfully passed the interview and was accepted for a prestigious job. Since I'm still working here, I'll refrain from going into details about the job itself, although I don't think I'll be able to stay here long. A good salary, a cozy office, full compliance of work activities with my education, opportunities for career growth, proximity to home - it would seem that this is not a job, but a paradise. But all prospects are undermined by the personality of my boss (he is also a co-owner of the business, so there are simply no special hopes that he will be replaced).

You will probably laugh: baby, the bosses are the root of most of the problems that happen to people at work! Yes, I know all this perfectly well. But if you listen to all these people who are dissatisfied with their bosses, what will you hear? Right! In most cases, there will be complaints about tyrants, stubborn people, alcoholics, sexually preoccupied people, and so on.

Past the cash register, as they say. This is not about my boss. He is smart, handsome, gallant, well versed in his business (of course, this is his personal business, he is not just a hired manager). So does make my work and the work of my colleagues unbearable?

My boss has a disgusting trait - he is suspicious. Manically suspicious. And also damn inventive. You can never predict what kind of trap he set. It could be a banknote lying on the floor, if you don’t lift it above your head and loudly ask who dropped it, but quietly put it in your pocket, you’ll most likely lose your job. He has a million such ideas.

For example, although we have no restrictions on going outthe Internet , traces of your presence on it in the form of browsing history in browsers and caches are regularly examined. Mail is being checked. Recently there was a big scandal about the use of copiers. It turns out that our new copier has a hard drive on which “copies of copies” are recorded, let’s call it that. We had no idea that the new devices had such bells and whistles. The boss was not too lazy to get all this data, sort it, find those who copied non-official documents and fire them.

There are a lot of little things like that. An outwardly friendly and smiling person creates an atmosphere in which it is impossible for to work normally. Doesn’t he understand that by throwing away specialists, mercilessly firing people for the slightest mistakes (and also making appropriate entries in the work book), he is cutting the branch on which is sitting? The fact is that we are not just office plankton who can be recruited to work as many as you like, we are specialists, and, moreover, we are not encountered very often. The repressions in our company have already become the stuff of industry legends, and there are no people willing to take our place when they were fired, despite the decent salary. Butthe boss doesn't let up. I have long been no longer a patriot of the company and I believe that if the company goes bankrupt due to a lack of professional personnel, then that’s where it goes. Darwinism in business, so to speak.

For now, my salary keeps me here, but what to do next? Should I endure it, thinking that the situation will change, or should I quit without waiting for the boss to make another move and be fired under the article?

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