I can't get rid of the feeling of guilt

I can't get rid of the feeling of guilt
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know where to start, the feeling of guilt haunts me.

MyMy son is in the first grade, with a teacher from whom we would like to transfer. She taught my son's preschool, she is not bad, she loves children and they love her too, but she has no discipline and order. Even when entering the first grade, I decided that we would definitely not go to her, I asked to enroll us with another teacher, but it turned out that we ended up with her. I found out about this only just before school. I tried to transfer, but it was too late, then I went to the principal before the New Year, but I was refused, since there were no places. I am gnawing at the feeling of guilt. The thing is, I feel guilty before my son's teacher. He is in the first grade. I wanted my son to get another teacher. But it turned out that he got to her. Having found out about this, even before the start of school, I tried to transfer him to another class, but it did not work out, since the one I wanted, but test-antibiotic.com there were no more places. I agree that I missed the point here and I blame myself for it. The thing is that our teacher can't maintain discipline, there is chaos and disorder in the classroom all the time. She can't cope with the children and because of this the entire learning process suffers. AlsoThe teacher constantly complains about the students to the parents in front of the children. Like, it's not that she can't cope, it's that they have no upbringing.

At first I tried to convince myself that maybe they were just kids and everything would be fine. But nothing changed. Our class was the smallest. The others were overcrowded. The principal said that by the end of the year it would be clear, maybe a place would become available. I thought that I was the only one who was unhappy. Then, during the learning process, I began to learn that many were also unhappy, that the teacher could not maintain discipline, could not present the material. But she demanded a lot, assigned a lot of homework. And so many people studied at home. But at the same time, she loved the children and they loved her too.

So, once again, going to the principal to find out about test-antibiotic.com transfer, I told the principal everything about how the studies were going, she told me that it would not work out to transfer, but it would be better to change our teacher. And stupidly told one of the dissatisfied mothers about it. Anyway, the information reached the teacher. She called me and said that she did not expect me to act behind her back. As a person, I treat her well and have nothing against her personally. Now I am tormented by a feeling of guilt before her. And I wonder if I did the right thing by telling the principal everything. On the one hand, I am glad that there will be another teacher, but on the other hand, I am very worried that the teacher will be removed on my initiative. What if someone is happy with her and does not want changes?

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