Should I leave or stay?

Should I leave or stay?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I already wrote my story here about how to changethe guy’s attitude towards me, now I’m writing a sequel.

As I wrote, we still communicate with that young man, we met several times, he gives me flowers. I feel like a woman, a girl with him. There is no such relationship with my current boyfriend, and never has been. For 4 years, he and I have never been to the sea, anywhere except our local lakes. We don't go far because my conscience won't allow me. But he has great hopes for me, he wants to be with me. We often talk about different topics, we can hang on the phone for 2 hours and not get tired of talking to each other.

My young man doesn’t seem to notice anything, he sees my calm, but not very pleased state, but does nothing to give me even a drop of attention. I repeat,Our communication develops as if we are comrades, without passion, tenderness (on his part). Many, of course, will say that after all, 4 years is a long time, what did I want

My mother doesn’t want our relationship anymore, because she doesn’t see any development in it, I’m already tired of everything, but it’s not a fact that leaving for a second young man will be better. There’s nowhere to live, grandma lives with dad in a two-room apartment,Although my mother is alone, it will be very difficult to live with her. I don't see any way out. What should I do?

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