In love with a married woman

In love with a married woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old. Not married. Eatapartment , prestigious job, great car. I don’t drink too much alcohol, I play sports and I look good. It has never been difficult for me to meet a girl; just yesterday I supportedcommunication with three. All young, very beautiful, get married, I don’t want to. I corresponded, called each other, met, but not so long ago she called mea girl we dated a couple of years ago. I was very surprised and happy about this call, as I loved her. I don’t even remember how or why we broke up. All this time we knew nothing about each other. We met and talked. She went outmarried , havechild , but unhappily married. As it turned out, my feelings for her did not cool down, nor did hers for me. In general, it started spinning and spinning again. That's how I became a lover.

I really want to start a family with her. Nothing bothers me. I have never been so confident in my decision and choice. She is thinking about divorce, but cannot do it yet. The reason he gives is not entirely clear to me. In addition, she has now left for another country, where she lives with her husband. I promised that I would wait for her. I understand that this sounds strange. But if I gave my word, I will definitely keep it. I'll wait for her. And she knows very well that I am a man of my word. I am ironic and joke with myself that I am like Hachiko.

And here I am, alone, in limbo. There is no clarity. You can’t reach the bottom and take a breath of air, but everything inside is on fire. What should I do?

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