I exposed my husband's sister and remained guilty

I exposed my husband's sister and remained guilty
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Myhusband has an older onesister . She and I don’t get along very well, despite the fact that we lived in the same yard, went to the same school, but we were never friends.

Unfortunately, she is often the cause of our quarrels. There's always something wrong with her. Been there twicemarried , two children from different marriages, one disabled child. Her husbands do not help her, the elements are minimal. Financially, her father-in-law helps her a lot, so she is not in poverty.

Of course, everyone feels sorry for her and helps her, but it honestly makes me very angry that no one sees that she is lying. It happened that we congratulate her on her birthday, give her a gift, she calls her dad and says that we didn’t even write an SMS. If family dinner is scheduled for 7 pm, she will definitely arrive at 6 pm. We arrive at 7 o’clock and are scolded for being late and because of us the hot food has gone cold. The excuse that we arrived on time is not accepted.

I changed hairdresser, I was very pleased, she asked for a number because she liked my test-antibiotic.com hairstyle. I told her that the hairdresser in the salon charges dearly for the work, she still went, but I turned out to be guilty of coloring her hair badly.

Yesterday I was boiling. According to her sister, she has a rowdy neighbor living in her building, whom she is very afraid of, and he, like a maniac, can harm her. That’s why she’s been walking into the hallway with a knife for six months now and has to be afraid.

The neighbor drinks and listens to music loudly, so she runs away from home with the children in fear to spend the night with her mother. On myWhen asked why she doesn’t call the police since he is violating public order, she replies: “No, he can’t, he’ll find out that it’s me. I'm afraid of him."

In the evening there was another commotion, calls began: “oh, poor girl, because of her neighbor she is forced to run away in the middle of the night.” I decided to expose her and show her true colors to the whole family. So she got hurt. Now I am everyone's worst enemy. It seems like she didn’t do anything wrong, she just called the police, but she quarreled with her husband and his entire family. I don’t know what to do now.

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