My wife calls me names all the time and says it's okay

My wife calls me names all the time and says it's okay
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's normal for my wife to talk to me rudely. Call names, even in jest.

I told her many times that it was unpleasant for me, insulting. I did not talk to her, even went to sleep in another room. She apologized, said that she would improve, but everything was repeated again and again. It's natural for her. Call me different names even in the course of a conversation. Not in a quarrel or swearing, but just talking to me. If I don’t understand something, or didn’t hear it the first time, she already asks if I’m not a fool, and everything is in a similar vein. And in a quarrel, and in general, a checkmate often slips, which makes me very jarring.

I tried to talk to her about this many times. She says that in her family such an attitude was the norm on the part of her father, and she does it unconsciously, and that she herself has ceased to be offended by her father. I just ignored his barbs. Although I know that from a stranger to the same words, her reaction will be different.

She is very vulnerable and if, for example, someone at work raises her voice at her, she almost cries. And she can't understand what I'm feeling. That her words hurt me. I've said it so many times, it's useless. She began to talk so that I would get used to just let it pass by her ears, like she herself. Allegedly, she does not mean anything so derogatory, she is just joking in reality. Asks not to be taken seriously.

But in my family this was not accepted and I do not accept such an attitude, I myself never call her in any way, even if we swear. We fight over this very often. We can't talk for days. She, however, does not see anything special in this, and I do not know what to do. Maybe take her to a psychologist.


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