Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Glory to the Hero of Ukraine!
    Yesterday afternoon a very terrible event happened. As all of you here know, there is a terrible war going on in Ukraine, such a war has not been seen for more than 70 years.This afternoon, an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner was shot dead by Russian fascists. The man was completely unarmed, did not attac...
  • Tired of grandchildren
    Daughter gave birth to her first child at the age of 28. My husband and I already thought that we wouldn’t have grandchildren. Now she is already on her fourthchild, and I’m already tired of grandchildren (we live together). It's very difficult with them all day. Firstly, they don’t eat everything; ...
  • I don't want to have a stepfather
    We havefamily small - me and mother, because the eldest brother went to study abroad, we were left alone. Dad doesn't live with us.Sometimes my mother and I have scandals about unwashed dishes and all sorts of pressing matters, but we quickly make up. I was never told what mom and dad are likerelati...
  • I'm losing faith in my husband
    Married to my husband for 4 years, together for 7 years, have a 3 year oldchild, who has already gone to kindergarten. He gets sick 2 times a month, so I can’t go to work. I’m terribly tired of everything, I just sit in the evening and sob from powerlessness. My husband is always on business trips, ...
  • Why is everything this way and not otherwise?
    More and more often I began to wonder whether it happensIs love mutual? Or is it like this for everyone – out of two, one loves, and the other accepts love? Or is it just meAre relationships developing?Since school, when, of course, no one talked about big feelings, such as childhood sympathy, it wa...
  • Don't give up, even if everything around you is falling apart
    Sometimes I go to this site and read stories. There are good stories, but for the most part they are written by people who suffer from the vile actions of loved ones, or who themselves do all sorts of obscene things. I read that I changedwife or husband left and it’s just creepy.Why do people date f...
  • My husband and I live like strangers
    With the beginning of our family life, it so happened that it was I who began to distribute the family budget. I added up both of our salaries and distributed them to the most important needs, and saved the rest. Exactly how I distributed it was always agreed upon with my husband. And for several ye...
  • My sister wants to get a divorce, but she is afraid that her husband will kill her
    With my future husband my youngestsister went to the same class. They got married early, at the age of 20. “Out of great love,” as she said, but in reality it was just in the air. 7 months after the wedding, they had a childson, who is now 4 years old.To meMy sister never liked her husband: he was c...
  • Difficult choice between child and work
    I don’t know what to do right, I’m afraid to make decisions, because any action I take turns into a mistake.I have a little daughter, she is one year and eight months old. We separated from her father almost immediately after her birth; all concerns about her, including materialproblems, entirely on...
  • My mother doesn't put up with my wife
    People, tell me something about my topic. I'm just about to go crazy. I had a fightwife Sonechka and minemother. We actually quarreled over complete nonsense. Sonya and I were having lunch, and she put it on my platecutlets. At this time, my mother came into the kitchen and my wife invited her to ha...
  • Uninteresting games with my husband
    Two years ago myhusband started playing a popular online game. I played for a couple of months, then I noticed that he always had ICQ open. And after checking our computer, I found files with messages to a certain Tatiana in the city of Odessa: congratulations on her birthday, all sorts of postcards...
  • My mother-in-law insists that we need a second child
    My daughter is five years old. It was not easy for me; I was in labor for almost a day until I had a caesarean section. Then peritonitis began, they cut my entire stomach, in short, I suffered. There is no more desire to have more children, buthusband wants another boy and periodically raises this t...
  • Why are others so concerned about my figure?
    I know that I have a weight problem, and I don't like it when everyone I know constantly reminds me of it. I’m tired of answering that I know that I need to lose a little weight, at least lose ten kilograms, that I tried to do this more than once, that I was on more than one diet and that I do exerc...
  • My wife and children got involved in our conflict.
    Two children. I bought her a jeep for my daughters. Opened a bank account. I did everything around the house, walked with my youngest. Regular Russianfamily (they traveled, rested, went to barbecues, then they were at the circus, then at the dolphinarium). The eldest, at 16, already has her own inte...
  • I met a man, but I suspect that he is married
    I'm 35 years old, I wasmarried, yes child. I met a man on a dating site, there were two meetings. He gave me a gorgeous bouquet.Communication lasts for about a month, during which time he never called. He says he called once, but I didn’t answer, and he won’t do this again. Intellectually I understa...
  • My wife demands that I give all my money
    We live in Germany. We moved here 20 years ago. I work, but the salary is small. And at the moment I have completely lost my job and am only receiving unemployment benefits.My wife has a lot of savings (several tens of thousands of euros), she also works and earns quite well. Two children, the eldes...
  • I stopped loving my wife
    I am 45 years old. I've been married several times. There are children from different marriages. I am currently married to a woman whom I have never truly loved.We've been together for about 16-17 years. We haveson, who is 15 years old. I can't live with my wife anymore. Everything she does just pis...
  • How to overcome your selfishness in a relationship with a guy?
    She suffered because of her own selfishness and possessiveness. A couple of years ago I dated a young man, very briefly, about a month, due to frequent swearing, we broke up almost breaking dishes. We didn’t talk for a year, but then we met at an event, made up and became best friends from that mome...
  • I am a liar and a dreamer
    This has been going on for several years - I can’t say exactly how long. Perhaps it started much earlier than I became aware of what was happening. I am 17 and I suspect that I have a tendency to lie frequently, which, in principle, there is no need for. I am completely confused in myself and don’t ...
  • На волоске от смерти
    Развод не дал мне облегчения. Единственное, что меня теперь не задевало то, что мне передавали про бывшего мужа. Теперь мне не было больно, ведь теперь он не мой. А проблемы у меня добавились. Бывший муж то не жил в квартире, то через полгода объявлялся и проживал в зале. Был раньше закон такой, кто...