Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I realized that I am not yet ready for a new relationship
    When you talk to someone about this (about the death of a loved one), it is once again about yourself and facing yourself, but for some reason suddenly in the presence of a seemingly complete stranger.My aftertaste is that I, in essence, don’t know what I want from a relationship, what I’m ready for...
  • Illiterate people annoy me
    I have a lot of girlfriends and I can’t communicate with all of them often by phone, we mostly text. But only oneI have a friend who always writes to the point, clearly and concisely. The rest are terribly annoying.I don’t understand if they really don’t understand what their messages look like! End...
  • How I couldn't become a father
    Men, youth. I want to share my bitter experience. Maybe this will help someone change something in their life.I was married. Before the wedding, my Tatyana and I dated for 5 years. They didn’t want to have children before marriage. We decided that everything would be legally married. And then the pa...
  • Why do guys disappear without explaining anything?
    I'm 15 years old and I finally decided to share a story from my life.I broke up with my loved one and I don’t even know the reason why he left. We dated for 4 months. HisMom was against our relationship. She wanted herthe son married the girl she herself chose for him. He and I fought for a long tim...
  • I feel like Cinderella
    I am 22 years old. This story began back in 2012. Then I had a huge fight with my drinking father and left home. I worked part-time where I could, between studies. Then I accidentally found out from my younger sister thatmy father and the whole family decided to sign me out of the apartment. My godm...
  • My wife's suspiciousness goes beyond all bounds
    I love my wife, she is beautiful, young, faithful to me, and easily forgives my hot temper. I have two marriages behind me, and this, I hope, is the last time, since I tried to take into account previous stupidities and mistakes.But my wife’s problem is extreme suspiciousness and dependence on other...
  • After my divorce, all men annoy me
    I am 38 years old, yesson 13 years old, I don'tMarried . All neighbors, parents, friends have been repeating one thing for the last 10 years: “When will youWill you find yourself a husband ?"But I do not wantI got married , I was there once, lived there for three years, got divorced and don’t want t...
  • About our medicine and our doctors
    A wonderful person has passed away - myhusband Andrey Vladimirovich. Calm, modest, always reserved and... very fair. A clean, bright person. I am sure that all residents of our small village would subscribe to these words. There are few people like Andrey. These character traits destroyed him. If he...
  • I can't risk my children for my own happiness.
    Before I start telling my life story, I ask those who read it to give me advice and leave their opinions. I will be very grateful to you.I am 28 years old, I have three sons and I am a widow. My husband died in an accident a year and a half ago. And I was left with three children, I won’t say that I...
  • I'm tired of this attitude towards me from my wife
    I am 37 years old, I was married for 6 years. The long-awaited child appeared, my son is now 4 years old. I worked from home, and my earnings increased very much, I stillspent the money on his family and wife. Yes, I behaved incorrectly in moments that demanded respect and understanding that I was v...
  • My wife fell in love with a guy who is younger than our son
    I don’t even know where to start, I just can’t wrap my head around it. It feels like the world has just turned upside down. Yes, I have experienced and seen a lot in my life, but for something like this...I met my wife, now ex-wife for five minutes, while I was at the Suvorov Military School. We met...
  • The only reasonable way out of this situation is divorce.
    A story about betrayalMy husband and I were hooked, because I was in exactly the same situation. The only difference is that we still live together for the sake of the children. I don’t even follow his hobbies anymore; somehow everything has become indifferent to me.The first time I found out about ...
  • She didn’t forgive her husband’s next betrayal, even for the sake of her little son.
    I’ve known my husband since school, dated for three years, got married, and now our family is already 10 years old. It was biglove , we lived wonderfully. Recently we decided that it was timegive birth to a child and now our son is one and a half years old.It would seem that live and be happy, but I...
  • I need help and advice
    I found myself in a situation from which I don’t know a way out, please tell me what to do and what to do. Imarried for two years now, we are growing son, he is six months old. My husband I have a good husband, I know that he loves us very much, and is ready for anything for us, and everyone around ...
  • I’m offended that my father didn’t take me in after his divorce from my mother.
    My parents divorced when I was 6 years old. Mom was very worrieddivorce . I kicked my father out of the apartment with his things.She cried a lot, got angry, screamed. She scolded him with the last words. She told me that he betrayed us, that he found a replacement for her.I remember how dad came an...
  • How to return your husband to your family?
    My name is Zarina, I’m writing a continuation of my story “I’m afraid to leave my child without a father,” I need yourshelp and advice. My husband and I have been living separately for three weeks now, and he comes to visit the baby twice a week, but this doesn’t make it any easier for me. I don't k...
  • In love with a married woman
    I am 30 years old. Not married. Eatapartment , prestigious job, great car. I don’t drink too much alcohol, I play sports and I look good. It has never been difficult for me to meet a girl; just yesterday I supportedcommunication with three. All young, very beautiful, get married, I don’t want to. I ...
  • Жизнь как она есть
    Я не когда и не кому не рассказывала о том, что было у меня в жизни, что тяготит меня, не давая спокойно спать по ночам. Недавно я прочитала историю на этом сайте Берегите детей она довела меня до слез, а еще мне самой захотелось написать, написать всю правду о себе, о своей жизни и самое главное, ч...
  • Mother doesn't love my child
    Today there was a conflict with my mother because she does not love my youngest daughter.I am 32 years old,married for the second time, together for 7 years. We have three children, all girls, the oldest is 11 years old (she is from her first marriage), the middle one is 2 years and 7 months old, th...
  • I hate my husband
    I want to admit that I hate my husband with all my soulhusband .We have been married for almost 7 years. We both work and live in my apartment. But the fact is that he doesn’t care about me at all, but he doesn’t want to get a divorce either. Can easily insult or swear in response to some of mya que...