
  • My ruined life
    I hate minelife , your environment, your parents. Nobody has ever loved me, since I was born.I am 29 years old, I live in a small village (10 thousand inhabitants). Mother gave birth to me becausemy father wanted it, but since I didn’t see my mother’s love, I was closed and unsociable, my father was...
  • Echoes of the past
    8 years ago, when I was 14 years old, I fell in love with a girl, she was already 18. We have the same social circle, and that’s where I saw her for the first time. She was incredibly beautiful. When I wrote to her and she replied, I was very surprised and delighted.For two years we have been with h...
  • Второй брак еще хуже первого
    Моя жизнь — это комок из неправильных и скоропостижных решений, в результате которых я теряю себя и не понимаю, как жить дальше, и что делать.Мне 30 лет, живу в Москве, родом из другого города, четыре года уже живу в Москве, прижилась так сказать. Я в браке, это мой второй брак, в этом году в январе...
  • Husband likes his brother's wife
    Brother My husband recently got married. He chose a real beauty for his wife: long hair, an ideal figure, well-groomed, dresses in expensive, stylish things. He provides for himself well by working at a good job. I don’t communicate with her closely, so I can’t say what kind of person she is, but sh...
  • My sad relationship with Dima
    My name is Alexandra, I'm 17 years old. I will try to briefly tell a story from my life.This Dima and I studied together from the first grade, and from the 5th grade we became best friends. Then he confessed his love to me, but it was childishly stupid - at such and such an age. But he almost came t...
  • For the husband, his brother and his family come first
    I don't know how to cope with myself. Even before the wedding, due to inexperience, I did not notice the strange “bells”. My husband once said that it would be nice if his youngestmy brother spent the night with us several days a week.I received this with great surprise. Is it when there’s a young w...
  • Why did my husband's relative behave so strangely?
    I can't understand why my relativeMy husband behaved so strangely towards me.My husband invited his older brother to be our daughter’s godfather. My brother lives in my husband’s native village, very far from us. We live in my city. For christeningmy brother came with his wife and daughter, we accom...
  • Mother-in-law and sister ruin life during evacuation
    My sister and I lived in the suburbs of Kyiv. When the war began, my husband, my mother and our children went to his late grandmother’s house in another region of Ukraine, where my mother-in-law soon joined us. And mysister with her husband and child went to visit relativeshusband to Kiev.The villag...
  • A husband is for love, and a friend is for support.
    For some reason, it is believed that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, but I have been friends with my former classmate Sergei since the sixth grade. I came to a new school and was seated at the same desk with him. At first I was upset, but then we started helping each other and we s...
  • My mother remembered me when she got sick
    I want to share my story, although I understand that I may receive misunderstanding and condemnation.Probably, many are familiar with this situation when in a family where there are two children, the parents love one more than the other. In my case, my mother’s favorite is my eldestbrother , and she...
  • My husband's brother insulted me and didn't even apologize
    This story happened to me 6 months ago. I was 7 months pregnant. One day I got off work early and saw my brother’s car in the centerhusband . We live on neighboring streets, and I knew that he was going home. I called him, but he didn't answer.I quickly had to run to the store to buy files. I went i...
  • Why does it happen that I offend my old mother?
    I am 57 years old. Husband , children (adults live independently), grandchildren. Since 2006, mymother (she is now 87 years old). In winter she lives andevery day she says that she feels bad here, and that it would soon be warmer and she would go home. We live in Syktyvkar, and she always leaves for...
  • I'm scared and not interested in living
    I was born into a loving, wealthy family 22 years ago. My parents are wonderful people. Mom, at 48, looks like she’s 30: understanding, modern, the kindest person. Dad is a workaholic, he always did everything for the family, he brought every penny into the family, he adored my brother and me. And s...
  • After the birth of another child, the little daughter became uncontrollable
    The daughter is now six years old, and the family has added anotherbaby , my son is only a month old. We warned Nastya that she would soon have a brother, and she took it well, even more, she looked forward to it. We bought things for the baby together, she chose toys for him herself, but when he wa...
  • I'm embarrassed to see a doctor
    My life is just beginning, but I don’t want to live with such a problem.Every morning I hate myself even more than I did yesterday. I'm even ashamed to admit anonymously that I'm almost an adultthe girl suffers from enuresis. Until the age of 7, my parents said that this happens and should not worry...
  • Black and white
    I often read this forum, and I noticed that many stories are extremely categorical, but not everything in our life is divided into black and white, a person does not always have a choice according to the rule, this is good and this is bad.For example, my mother-in-law is very offended that we no lon...
  • My dearest and beloved grandmother
    My mother was five years old when she diedMother . She was taken to her grandmother, but a year later, when her grandfather married again, her mother was taken back to the family and soon they had another one.child , motherBrother . The grandmother did not want to give her back, she was afraid that ...
  • I can't forgive myself for my silence
    I was born into a good and friendly family. She is not big -mom , dad, little sister, aunt, and my cousinBrother . I will not mention grandparents, since this is not about them. Although I love them very much.Becausemy father is in the military, we had to travel around the country. But finally we re...
  • Mom left and I don't know how to move on
    I diedMom , I don’t know how to continue to live, I don’t know how to come to my senses. On September 28, she died of covid-19. Mom spent 32 days in intensive care and I knew that she would come home and live, but unfortunately on September 29 I buried her.I have a dad, I have two older sisters andb...
  • There were no white stripes in my life
    I want to tell you a real, true story about my difficult life, because I can’t keep it to myself anymore, and I can’t tell my loved ones. The story will be long, excuse me, I will write about everything that torments me.I was born into a low-income family. Mythe father did not want to have children ...