
  • The resentment towards the daughter has not gone away, but is only getting worse
    Mydaughter came outgot married , moved to Belarus . She and her husband lived in a one-room apartment with two children.The children grew up, it became crowded, and the daughter joined a cooperative to buy an apartment. After each meeting, my daughter gave a telegram about how much money needed to b...
  • Random connections
    When I readconfession “Life at a Click”, I realized that what happened to the author and in me echoes those years when I studied at the university.I came to the understanding that I wanted a serious relationship around the age of 24, and before that all mythe relationship was fleeting. During my stu...
  • How to cope with two small children without the help of your husband
    Dima and I got married while we were still students, and was borndaughter . Both my parents and his parents helped us from the very beginning, we were lucky in this. My daughter was already two years old, I found a job, gradually everything began to improve, but then I found out that againpregnant a...
  • The cat saved the owner
    One day my dad and I were walking from the store. It was a summer evening, it was warm and cozy, and most importantly, not hot. In the yard near the nearby school stadium we saw a cat, very beautiful and well-groomed. I must say that we do not have animals, because the basements of the high-rise bui...
  • After the birth of children, the wife stopped taking care of herself
    I have always believed that having children is a transition to a new level of relationship. It seemed to me that a baby born to two loving people makes their feelings stronger, allowing them to know a special absoluteLove .My wife and I have been trying to conceive for over a year and have tested po...
  • I hate my father
    I hate my father. Perhaps, after reading this, someone will remain of the opinion that I am cruel or even worse, but I don’t care. When I was born, thenmy father was not very happy and instead tore the whole apartment to smithereens, because he was expecting a boy, and I was born.Over time, of cours...
  • Having a baby ruined my life
    Mylife is ruined from beginning to end. But just a year ago everything seemed fine. And two years ago I could not even imagine that I would get to this point!I was a young beautiful girl, a good job, my own hobbies. I loved him very much for many years. They quarreled, made peace, finally found a co...
  • I can't overcome my depression
    It so happened that I recently had to leave my place of work because of prejudice against methe attitude of the superiors is a personal antipathy. The boss created unbearable working conditions, I tried many times to talk to him positively and find out the reasons. By the way, the boss is only 1 goa...
  • I found my happiness, but made two loved ones unhappy
    У меня есть дочь, которой уже 24 года. Это ребенок от прошлого брака. И вроде бы все хорошо, и не грешила и не предавала никого, а все равно виню себя и не могу успокоиться, что сломала жизнь дочке.С бывшим мужем у нас было двое детей, старшая дочь, о которой я уже говорила, и младшая (6 лет). Младш...
  • Поздняя любовь сделала мою маму счастливой женщиной
    Мои родители очень разные люди. Я все детство не могла разобраться, кто из моих родителей больше виноват в их неудачном браке. Много раз слышала историю их встречи от мамы. Не понятно, что и как свело их в жизни. Его желание вырваться из деревни и переехать в город, ее уйти из отцовского дома, где б...
  • I love and hate my husband
    It’s hard on my soul because I don’t want to be with my husband and I want it at the same time. We've been married for 6 years, he doesn't go out, doesn't drink, works, he's goodfather and bestson . Onlyhe's a terrible husband . It all started with my mother-in-law saying that he was paying too much...
  • My emotional nature prevents me from living and learning
    I have always been a very emotional person, but despite this, at a critical moment, I could make an effort and not cry. When I failed, the tears could be justified by the situation, for example, tears because of a bad grade for a quarter, or tears because someone spoke to me in a raised tone. Petty,...
  • I didn't take care of my old age
    I retired completely consciously and voluntarily. At that time my daughter neededhelp with grandson. She wanted to get to work quickly. Well, how can you not help here? So I left my position.I earned good money, I was used to affording theaters and expensive perfume. And now I live on pension. At my...
  • The guy couldn't
    I have a very intimate problem, I don’t even know if I did the right thing, and that’s why I’m a little tormented by this.I wasmarried for several years. My husband and I divorced because of different views onlife . The man was a family man, but in the end he completely went into his career (he foun...
  • I don't want my mother in my life anymore
    My life story about conflict and resentment that doesn’t work outforgive .Now I'm 26 years old. When I was 20, my parents divorced. The mother found the young man and went to him. I was very upset for myself and my younger sister, who was only 7 years old at that time. But we had no choice, I contin...
  • Am I a bad friend?
    I have always considered myself a good, loyal friend. I was always ready to come toI help my friends, I always listen to everyone, I support them morally. But recently a story happened, after which I no longer know whether I am a good friend, or whether it just seemed so to me.My friends and I went ...
  • Fathers and Sons
    My husband and I are almost 40,first marriage for both, yesson 5 years old. They got married when they were both over 30.When we decided that we would start a family, we decided to move closer to the capital, away from Donbass. They each sold their premarital housing and bought a joint three-room ap...
  • I brought my husband to the same state with my depression.
    I am a psychologist by profession, I try to help myself to a greater extent, although whenever possible I ask for help. But in the last few years I have been failing in every way.Briefly about yourself. Idaughter of alcoholics, including her own sister, and a couple of relatives. She matured at the ...
  • I don’t like noisy companies, and that’s why I quarrel with my wife
    My wife and I are different in character, but we always gave in and respected each other’s interests. I don’t like noisy companies, I like to relax quietly with my family on weekends or work on my car in the garage,the wife , on the contrary, enjoys communicating with friends and relatives, of whom ...
  • My husband didn't live up to my expectations
    Six years ago I met my future husband atfriends visiting. He was the best man I could ever wish for myself.After meeting, we started living together within 3 weeks. Everything was like in a fairy tale. My parents have a big house outside the city. He himself comes from another city and has already c...