
  • Men don't understand hints
    I am 31 years old, my son is 9 years old, I have been divorced for 6 years. Wererelationship , but it's not the same. I come across men who generally don’t want a serious relationship, or with the attitude that anything can happen. But there was one who proposed marriage, but turned out to be a tyra...
  • I'm ashamed that I never learned to understand people
    My real life story is not naive, it reminds me more that I never learned to understand people. It will soon be 3 years since I met a young man. He’s from Russia, I’m not, I’ve lived abroad for many years, but I’m a Siberian, just like him. Initially, everything was fine, simple and went on its own, ...
  • I don't like my job
    Even at school, my classmates dreamed of what they would become after school, the teachers asked me to write an essay on the topic: “what do I dream of becoming,” but at that time I was not interested. I wanted my carefree childhood to never end. I didn’t study badly, but I didn’t decide on my choic...
  • Mom decided to outsmart us
    Mom hasn't spoken to us since the New Year holidays. And all because my husband and I did not invite her to our New Year's Eve. But we warned her in advance that he would come to ussister my husband and family from another city, we see them once a year, so we decided to sit in such a close group. If...
  • How I lost my head from love
    I have been married for 18 years, we havedaughter (10 years old). Came outmarried not for love, but simply because of the betrayal of her boyfriend. He married someone else, and in revenge, I also took advantage of the opportunity.I met a man and got married. We have been living here for 18 years. A...
  • I'm a bad mother and wife
    All around meProblems . Came out at age 20got married and gave birth to an older oneThe daughter didn’t really live with her husband, his priority was friends, and they separated.I raised my daughter as best I could, worked, lived mostly with friends,my daughter is either with my mother, or with me,...
  • My father kicks me out of the apartment
    I'm just writing this because I need to vent to someone. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy.I'm 26 and mymy father is trying to kick me out of our apartment. And all because I violate his personal space. We live in a 3-room apartment - my parents, youngestbrother is a schoolboy, me and my six year...
  • I repeated the fate of my mother
    My father and mother had a second onemarriage ,Mom is quiet, calm, she married him right after schoolmarried​ Dad is handsome, prominent, with a good position. He is 10 years older than his mother, divorced, two children. He abused my mother terribly, beat her, drank. And he beat us often. So many y...
  • I don't want to be a servant to my husband's daughter
    I have been living with my common-law husband for 8 years; he hasdaughter 13 years old. I met him when he no longer lived with his wife, and she found someone else, I didn’t break up the family. The daughter first lived with her mother, and when she gave birth to her second child, she gave the girl ...
  • Lover's Revenge
    I'm happymarried , we have three beloved children and wonderfulrelationship , but we are not talking about our family, but about the former familyhusband .We met my husband by chance, and immediately all my friends who knew him, we worked in the same company in different branches, began to say that ...
  • The guy humiliated me by refusing me when I confessed my love to him
    I got the job through an acquaintance. I worked quietly for several years, and then the same friends hired a guy to work for us. He turned out to be a mysterious man. On the one hand - a sweet, polite boy, half orphan. Very attentive to women. He tried to get involved with me right awayrelationship ...
  • Husband does not pay attention to family and child
    Our child is four years old. From the birth of my child, I took upon myself all the responsibilities for caring for him. It seemed right to me, I didn’t work,The husband was the main breadwinner in the family. I wanted him to rest when he came home.Whenmy daughter was small, an infant, I bathed her ...
  • My family life was like a vicious circle
    It was difficult for me to understand those married couples who separated due to betrayal, some kind of grievances, and simply a basic misunderstanding of each other. We parted forever. “That means they didn’t love each other,” I thought. And with all my might, learning from other people’s mistakes,...
  • My husband's parents are turning him against me
    Second yearmarried with husbandThe relationship was good, he always helped me around the house and supported me in everything. but his parents (we lived together) were always unhappy with something. They reprimanded him that I was bad, I didn’t washrefrigerator , didn’t pour them tea, didn’t give th...
  • I regret that I live with my stepfather and mother, and not with my father
    Everything was fine before. ByeMom was pregnant, I helped her, but when mine was bornbrother , things have gotten very bad. She began to often take it out on me and constantly forces me to sit with him. Of course, I help her, but she is crossing the line. This is not my child. And I'm around him so ...
  • Преданный друг
    Я жительница далëкого сибирского городка. Моя история началась несколько лет назад.С детства меня баловали, и я получала что хотела. Окончив школу, я поступила в колледж, но по факту не училась, а прожигала жизнь. Спиртное, дурная компания. Там я и познакомилась со своим гражданским мужем.Мы вместе ...
  • Relationship with a married man has reached a dead end
    I’m 24 years old, I recently divorced my husband, who didn’t appreciate me at all, but that’s not the problem. I started dating a man who I liked back when I wasMarried . We met through friends, he had a small request for me, and I agreed to fulfill it. We met only a couple of times then, and then q...
  • I don't know how to live further
    Two years ago I met a man. He seemed to me an intelligent and deep person. And I also felt sorry for him. At that time, he had just gotten out of a very difficult situation. He once played hockey professionally, but an injury put an end to what might have been a brilliant career.Then he was engaged ...
  • Mother-in-law should not be the head of the family
    Relationships in my family have reached a dead end. My husband and I met 5 years ago. Two and a half years ago he was born with uschild . Two years flew by like one day in worries and getting used to a new status. Mymother helped, came where to go for a walk, where to sit with the child, somewhere s...
  • I don't want my husband to help his parents with money
    Our family is already seven years old. Mymy husband is very good, attentive and caring. He pampers me with expensive gifts and generally does everything to make me feel comfortable. But there is a certain moment that does not suit me and which I cannot cope with. The fact is thatthe spouse gives par...