Will he fall in love?

Will he fall in love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Three months ago I broke up with my man. No one was to blame, it was the circumstances. He was rude, impudent, but I may have loved him, maybe I’m sickit was a habit . But now I don't need anyone anymore. I understand that there would be no future with him anyway. When I got to the hospital, he didn’t even call, he wrote to ask me to take a picture of the stitches!

I write and I understand everything, I need toforget . A month ago I met another man, he is the complete opposite of my ex - affectionate, kind, hard-working. I came to his village, he paid for my travel, but I can’t hug him or kiss him. I cook, bake pies, we watch TV together, but his kisses on the lips are unpleasant to me, I want to push him away. Yes, we havesex .

By nature, I am too temperamental, but I myself have never hugged him, I just allow myself to be loved, to give me affection. I understand that I’m wrong, but I can’t get over myself. He asks me to stay and live with him, he says: “don’t work, I’ll provide for it myself.” But you can’t tell your heart, I love test-antibiotic.com that arrogant, impudent one from which I blew off specks of dust.

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