My short love story

My short love story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a 9th grade student. Often I travel from school to various competitions, and I like it.

One day I came to school, everything was fine, they had fun during breaks as best they could. I took the most ordinary black gum from a classmate. When he came home, he wrote to her, does she need this gum? She said yes. We communicated well. At first I said that I liked her, after a week or two she reciprocated. We started going out and spending time together.

I had my first kiss with her. We were alone, she was lying on me, I removed her hair from her face and asked: “can I kiss you?”. She agreed and I kissed her on the cheek. For me it was an innovation, and I was very embarrassed. After a couple of minutes, I repeated the same thing, and after a while I kissed her on the lips.

It seems that on this day or a couple of days before, I confessed to her that I love her. And she is an excellent student with strict parents, and every day is scheduled for her, as a child she hardly walked, all the attention was paid to her older brother. I didn't learn much, but I still keep it in my head. She loves chocolateice cream ,coffee , nuts, even though she is allergic to them, she often gets sick, she showed me the world from the side of realism, and in response I showed my positive world.

She also said she loves me. But after some time, she began to answer less and less often, said that she was busy and offered to leave for a while. I did not support this idea, but I could not refuse it. I continued to write to her, as before. Then I persuaded her to meet and was able to return everything, she apologized and said that she was wrong, I also said that I was wrong in many ways. Then everything happened again, but I couldn’t persuade her to return everything. She said she didn't see the point in continuing all this. And when a month later I wrote to her and asked if we could continue just talking, she said that this was not useful for her.

Here so it happens.

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