How to forget one of them?

How to forget one of them?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I enteredUniversity , two guys fell in love with me: one is 23, the other is 25. Both are handsome, from fairly wealthy families. The fact is that they both admitted their feelings at the same time and, most importantly, I really liked both of them. So I decided to talk to both of them just to decide which character I liked better.

More than a year passed like this, but I didn’t choose one of them, I just fell in love with both at once. You may think that it is impossible to love two people at once, but please believe me, I tried to leave one many times, but my sleepless nights with pain did not give me peace. I can't live without the first, I can't live without the second. They both do everything for me, but I note that I used two phones so that they would not suspect, because they are both very jealous.

This summer, when I entered my second year, one suggested that I marry and go to London to live there and continue my studies there, and less than a month later,, a second one proposed marriage to me! And I don’t know what to do, I ask for advice on what to do or howforget one of them?

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