I'm ashamed that I earn less than my husband

I'm ashamed that I earn less than my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For the wholeI haven’t learned anything in life , I haven’t gained anything, and I’m not going towards it. But I’m already approaching 40.

Now, in order. A month ago I turned 36 years old. Imarried , no children and no property. We work regular jobs. My husband doesn’t earn much, but he has enough to live on. Tries to increase the budget through additional income. It would seem that everything is fine, but there is a problem.

It annoys me that I can’t earn enough money and I don’t have any additional income. I tried repeatedly (unfortunately, without much success). I am not suitable or the working conditions or time are not suitable for me.

At my main joba group of successful women. They are married, have children, vegetable gardens, look great, and prepare for the winter. They make various purchases and run to work part-time. How all this is possible remains a mystery to me.

I'm ashamed in front of my husband. He reaches out, brings home twice as much as me, but I don’t. I’ve been used to supporting and serving myself all my life, but now I feel like a kept woman. He is silent, everything suits him.

In our test-antibiotic.com society of gender equality, I lost. We live in a society where all paths are open to women. Earn equal or even morehusband is the norm.

My parents think that everything is fine, they say: “why are you jumping out of your pants, everything is as it should be.” I don’t want to offend them, they are old-fashioned, you can’t convince them. And I, in turn, feel itching.


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