My virtual goodbye

My virtual goodbye
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Evening, day off, a cup of your favoritecoffee ,loneliness , memories... Words are born on their own and fall in even rows on paper. Today I think about you. I remember... I miss... I want to write you a few lines, but you will never read them.

I want to ask you for forgiveness. You ask why? Believe me, there is a reason.

First of all, for turning away when you were feeling very bad. A dark streak has come in your life, everyone turned their backs on you, but I didn’t see anything beyond my resentment, and that’s it. I'm ashamed.

I apologize for never being able to believe it. And you tried to explain yourself – more than once. Lord, why did I listen to you then, but never heard?

I want to apologize for my pride. After all, over time, I realized that I was wrong. Oh, how wrong I was, but why think about it now? After all, I’ll probably never be able to ask you for forgiveness. I am cowardly and proud. The maximum I can do is write everything like this. And for some reason it seems to me that my “sorry” no longer has any meaning for you. It hurts again.

I'm sorry for never saying that I care about you. Yes, probably, only now I really understood: you were very dear to me. I loved you very, very much. But not as a representative of the opposite faction, but as a friend, as a person.

When it finally “realized” to me that I had lost you, that I would no longer call you a friend, it was... unbearably painful. But it’s probably not for me to tell you about feelings of loss. Alas, you know this well even without me. I really understand that, most likely, we will never see each other again... but who knows?

You ask why am I doing this? I will answer: out of sight, out of mind! Would you say “cruel”? Yes, my dear, cruel. Agree, it’s much easier this way. For whom? For you first of all.

“Whoever remembers the old is out of sight” - that’s what they say. I agree with this proverb, so I don't try anymorebring you back. “Whoever forgets will have both.” Damn it, I’m trying, and seems to be working. But there are days when you want to howl from loneliness and then memories don’t need a special invitation.

If only I knew what you think about all this... I hope that sometimes you remember with nostalgia the girl you once called sister. Then you tell yourself that it was a long time ago and was not true.

And you speak the truth. Oddly enough, it’s easier for me too.

Read together with it: