My first love that I lost forever

My first love that I lost forever
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Six months have passed since I wrote my story on this site. And now I want to share how it all ended.

You were on the black list of my contacts and not because I forgot you. I was afraid to hear that you once again understood everything and wanted to be with me. But I began to meet your father, your friends, who talked about you. And this happened more and more often. I saw that you were calling me. And suddenly an unfamiliar number calls me. It was you!

You have become a part of my life again. I decided that I would never tell you a word about the past, I would not talk about the future. You were with me here and now and I just loved and waited. But why is minehappiness lasted so short, why six months? Your work is very hard, I always felt sorry for you. Especially when you are building houses and hangars in the cold and cold.

Today, as always, I was expecting you in the evening, but instead your dad called and said that you fell from the roof and are in very bad condition in intensive care. I cried, screamed, prayed. I asked you to live. I didn’t care what the consequences would be, the main thing is that you live, breathe and be there.

But you died last night and left me again. Why? You know how much I love you and will do anything for you. Why? I didn’t insist on moving in with me, I didn’t ask to get married. I was with you here and now and I didn’t need anything else. I was ready to let you go to anyone else, as long as you lived!

I will come to you, I will take you on your last journey. You are the first person dear to me whom I will bury. You're first again! Forgive me for everything and I forgive you for everything! But I can’t imagine how I can live without you. I loved you for 20 years and you think time heals?

Yours called todaybrother and said that you thought and decided to complete the project and be with me.

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