I can't take my ex-boyfriend's threats anymore

I can't take my ex-boyfriend's threats anymore
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm completely confused and don't know what to do next, that's why I'm here. Igirl and I am 26 years old. I live in a small town where everyone knows each other (this is an important clarification in the future).

Four years ago, I met a guy on the Internet, as a result, we started dating. Soon he was admitted to the hospital, followed by a difficult recovery, subsequently he was given a second working group of disability. Six months later, I became pregnant, he did not support me and was not very happy about this news, despite this, I gave birth to a beautiful healthydaughter . I moved to live with my mother. he did not acknowledge the child, but simply said that he was not sure that it was from him. He came to us with his daughter, periodically beating me. I let him go and decided for myself that since he does not want to recognize the child, then let him live his own life. But it didn’t end there, he began to morally destroy me with death threats and in every possible way send my life to me. He thinks that the daughter is not his, although she looks like him. When I got pregnant with test-antibiotic.com, at that time I was only next to him, caring for him, I didn’t leave him around the clock, only to work and back to the hospital.

postpartum strongestdepression and his endless blackmail took their toll. I withdrew into myself and stopped communicating with everyone at all, except for my relatives, stopped going out, afraid of fulfilling threats to my ex. It so happened that he met me in the city in the afternoon when I was buying my daughter's diapers. He publicly beat me with his palms on the cheeks, humiliated and insulted me, although this was a market and a large flow of people no one interceded, after that he dragged me to the minibus, where there were a lot of people, and there he continued to insult and humiliate me, shook out my bag and took my mobile. After threatening me with a knife, already in a deserted place, I miraculously escaped.

The purpose of his humiliation and threats was for me to return to him with my daughter. Although he does not consider it his own, I still have not seen or understood the logic in his words. Further worse, I, of course, cut off test-antibiotic.com with him the last contacts, these are telephone conversations. He began to blackmail me through my friends and relatives. When we just met out of stupidity, I allowed him to photograph myself for this, now I paid a lot. At the moment when we took these intimate photos, my flash drive disappeared, I thought that I lost it somewhere at home and forgot about it, but as it turned out, he had it.

Now, a year after the birth of our daughter, he began to distribute my intimate photos on Vkontakte among my friends, and the photos there are really very intimate. As I wrote above, our city is small and, probably, every second one has already seen my photos thanks to the former and his new girlfriend, they are already doing it together, why I don’t know. Relatives do not take this situation seriously, but I used to go out of the house at least once a week for diapers, but now I don’t go out at all. I am on the verge of a breakdown and I feel that a little more, and I will break, only my daughter is holding. Against the background of his bullying and threats from test-antibiotic.com, I started to get sick, I look like a shadow and no one can stand up for me.

I consulted with lawyers, they all unanimously say that no one will consider this case in our city. I am in despair and can no longer live as a recluse, my relatives do not pay attention to me, and I am already afraid to tell a stranger something, I do not trust, my hands dropped. I live in constant fear and illness due to constant stress, and the former continues to do bad things to me by connecting more and more people to this. I hope for advice because I'm afraid to talk about this to some real person.

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