Is it necessary to continue living with an unloved wife?

Is it necessary to continue living with an unloved wife?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I realized that I don't love my wife. I am 33 years old. She is a wonderful person, a good housewife, and never gave any reason to doubt anything. She gave birth to a healthy child.

In turn, I tried to make sure that everything was fine at home, so that there was enough for bread and butter. Yes, I am quite callous, and I understand that I am becoming more and more so. I am correct and without bad habits, although now I am burned out from everything.

I don’t want to talk about my wife’s and my own shortcomings. I just realized that first the passion died out (before the birth of the child), and nowLove . It took me a long time to get used to the baby. Now I understand that I love him, and only he holds me.

Several years ago I fell in love with a girl. I fell in love with her deeply, and I still love her. We talked for 2 years, and at the moment when we wanted to be together, I still couldn’t make a decision about divorce and decided to let her go. And to be honest, I broke her heart and mine.

13 weeks have passed since then. During this time, she moved, and, due to our breakup, I did not support or help her with this. Including morally. Which I really regret. Now I understand that I want to be with her.

I have consulted a psychologist many times. I let the girl go because I wanted her to develop. So that she goes to graduate school, because in my city there is no such development. But I can't let her go in my head. All sorts ofTips about 21 days don’t help.

The psychologist said that I had to make a decision, and that if we were meant to be, we would be together. But I must go to her free. I want to come to her free. I’m not selfish for her to wait, and if I don’t make it in time, then it’s my own fault.

I will leave my wife a place to live, and everything we have acquired, because the baby has a room there. I can no longer live in a state of emptiness. I lived like this for 5 years.

The psychologist says that I need a battery woman, but that’s not what I’m looking for in her. Or maybe I don’t need anyone Now I'm ready to leave everything, just get behind the wheel and drive.

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