I made the wrong decision and ended up without a job.

I made the wrong decision and ended up without a job.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Today is 2.5 months and I can’t get rid of the feeling of guilt that I made a mistake by doing this and not otherwise.

For some time I was looking for a job, and now, after going through 4 stages of interviews, I got a job (albeit in the place of an employee who had gone on maternity leave) in a very reputable company, with a wonderful team and good working conditions. I was proud of myself, because I got to previous jobs through acquaintances. So for me this was my personal victory, my personal achievement. By nature I amintrovert , withdrawn and unsure of himself. But here I decided that finally everything would be different. So it was - I changed psychologically, did work on myself, and everything worked out for me! I tried to show good results at work - and that’s how it worked out. In this company, every year there is a chance to review wages - and I could get into this chance. But I ruined everything at one point. A colleague left our team, and the manager wanted to give her job to me (as test-antibiotic.com additional, in addition to mine). I replied that I would agree, but in case of additional payment (as when combining positions). There was a refusal, after which the manager decided to distribute our responsibilities between us, adding work from the dismissed employee.

The second colleague then refuses. Because everyone has a lot of work. I asked the manager to talk to us all to improve the situation. Refusal again. Both that second colleague and I submitted applications for dismissal. A couple of days later, I tried to talk to the manager again, to which the answer was: “you would have everything, but you...” and insults followed. After which I completely changed my mind about withdrawing the application. And now I, tormented by that very phrase “I would have had everything,” but I was so mistaken, what did I do?

I’m trying to explain to myself: well, what happened, happened, so it’s necessary, there must be fair conditions for earning money, and so on. But this doesn't help! I want to cry my eyes out every time I remember this situation, and that I should have acted differently, as if I had lost something very important and there was no way to fix it. test-antibiotic.com A terrible pressing feeling in the chest, tears come every time, a lump in the throat. I beat myself up every time for this mistake. It got to the point that on one forum I asked for fortune telling for my future job and whether I had made that same mistake? And even the fortune telling came out like this: I was in a hurry with my decision, I should have waited. It just got to me. I sit and sob. I can't help it.

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