I'm a bad housewife and I worry about it

I'm a bad housewife and I worry about it
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I have this problem - my hands grow “from the wrong place.” No matter what I do, almost everything doesn’t turn out very well:the cutlets are unattractively shaped, the dough has lumps or is too liquid, there are double creases on the trousers, creases on the sleeves of the shirt, streaks on the windows, etc. At the same time, I try very hard, I spend much more time on one thing than other people, but still the result is not pleasing. And it’s not me who’s a perfectionist, it’s really like that.

Because of this, I feel somehow defective, and I am ashamed in front of people (for example, at a party, or when visiting usdaughter-in-law comes home with her brother) that they redid a bunch of things, but I took one, and I couldn’t even do it well.

Some will say that it depends on practice, but sometimes I do something for the fifth time, and another person does it for the first or second, but he still does it better. You can earn more and transfer these functions to another person. But it's not that. I don’t want to feel worthless, test-antibiotic.com and you can’t take a housekeeper with you on a visit.

I study recipes, different methods on the Internet, consult with my aunt and mother so that they can teach me the best way, but it’s still not the horse’s food. And I’m not so young anymore, I graduateduniversity , work.

Tell me what to do. And further,The question is , does anyone need one?wife , diligent, but not smart and slow. And do husbands tolerate this?

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