Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My husband's ex-wife is still jealous of me
    We are very strangerelationship with ex-wifehusband . She left him with the child and said: “I don’t need anything from you, no alimony, no attention.” The husband gave themmoney whenever possible, since salaries vary, sometimes in a month I could earn 50 thousand rubles, sometimes 70, sometimes 30....
  • I didn’t even notice how I found myself in a dead end in life.
    I reached the handle. Mylife is not good and will never be normal. I am 37 years old and I am an unemployed disabled person. I just can’t overcome myself and get a job somewhere.I hadunsuccessful employment experience . I got a job several times, but due to stress I kind of burned out at work and th...
  • Can I cope with organizing my own wedding?
    I perfectly understand people who do not like lavish weddings and prefer to spend this day with their closest relatives (or even alone with their now beloved husband).Sometimes it’s not clear to myself why people invested so much money in such a magnificent but tasteless performance for unfamiliar d...
  • Friend's parents
    I have two bestgirlfriends . We have been friends since school, and now we are finishing college. We see each other every month and take turns visiting each other.We recently visited one of our friends. Washoliday , her parents were at home (Mom doesn’t work, and Dad had a day off). They set a small...
  • Always alone and see no way out
    I studied in Moscow and after finishing my studies I stayed here. I provide for myself: I pay for the apartment, I put on clothes and shoes. My mother never helped me; she was sure that I could somehow cope on my own. But it was really hard for me, this terrible responsibility for myself alone. Eter...
  • Annoying behavior of teenagers
    I work next to a shopping center, go there for lunch, and constantly pay attention to the teenagers who are constantly there. They come and sit in a crowd on benches, staring at their phones. The security can't do anything, because according to the law there is nothing to show them. I just have a qu...
  • Is there a future for my new relationship?
    I am 26 years old and already have two marriages behind me. I never wanted a family, but somehow everything turns out the other way around. Firstmarriage “by chance”, well, who knew, after 3 years of dating, I didn’t understand what this person was like. The only condition I couldn’t fulfill was tha...
  • Our gratitude for saving our brother is enormous, but there is a limit to everything
    A couple of years ago a woman appeared in our lives. Well, as a woman, she is 33 years old, but she looks at most 25. Or rather, she appeared in my brother’s life. He is a widower who madly loved his late wife and could not come to terms with her death. A man who could not even get close to alcohol ...
  • How I taught my former co-worker a lesson
    Got it by accidentconfession about a bad team and decided to share my own similar story.A long time ago, when I had just started my career, I made the same mistake, making excuses for what I didn’t do. I was only 18 years old, I paid for my studies at the university on my own, so I clung to such a j...
  • The girl says she loves her, but doesn't want to date her
    It all started 9 months ago. We met her on the Internet, talked a little, then she disappeared for 2 weeks, later she wrote to me again, and that’s how it all started.Initially, I didn't intend to build anything serious. For me it was more temporaryrelationships , for her too. But after a while I re...
  • Tired of being a housekeeper
    For mefamily always came first. Since childhood, I was taught that you need to help your family and never leave them in trouble. And that’s exactly what I did, but at some point my usualthe help turned into something due to my family. Myhusband andthe son perceives me as something that was and will ...
  • Divorce is worse than death
    I just want to share my pain.No wonder they say thatdivorce is like the death of a loved one. Yes, he is alive, and he is somewhere, but not with you, you have lost him irretrievably. And even if you sometimes cross paths, even exchange routine phrases, smile at each other, it will no longer be the ...
  • How to convince your husband to return to his country?
    I leftgot married 2 years ago. My husband is 12 years older than me, I havedaughter from her first marriage. 7 months agomy husband decided that we needed to move to live in another country. I thought for a long time, but in the end I agreed anyway.I won’t say that we lived poorly in our homeland. T...
  • I don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman
    I was in a relationship with a young man for six months. We met in the summer, started dating, everything was great, but at that time the young man had quit his previous job and was looking for a new one. Both entered intorelationship with the intention of building a family.After a month and a half,...
  • Fate
    I am 45 years old, I have three children. All these 20 years I lived in torment. My husband beat me, I was starving.Over the course of 20 years, he cheated on me many times and the quarrels began when I found out that he had another woman.family . I broke up with him, but it’s not about him, it’s ab...
  • I love not only my husband, but also my mother-in-law
    I read different life stories and wanted to confess myself. When I met my future husband Alexey, I immediately realized thatMom comes first for him, and then everyone else. During our dates, he always called home to say that he was okay. It seemed strange to me.When Lesha proposed to me, I immediate...
  • How I lost myself
    My story is banal, there are many similar stories here, but I wanted to share mine.Now I’m 30 years old, 2 children, I have my own home, a job, I look great, my figure is almost perfect, I have true friends,friends , but there is one BUT: I spent 5 years of my life onrelationships that broke me, tur...
  • After cheating on my boyfriend, I became indifferent to him
    I really want to listenadvice and stories from those who have faced such a terrible event ascheating on your loved one. How did you feel about him and yourself after that? Do the feelings remain or have they passed? Were you able to continue being with your boyfriend?I have always been a very decent...
  • I regret that I could not immediately defend myself
    Mymy mother was already a complete drug addict when she gave birth to me andfather too. They were not just drug addicts, but hucksters known throughout the area.Naturally, they didn’t care about me; my grandmother and aunt raised me. I absorbed heroin with my mother’s milk and at the age of 2 I went...
  • I wish I had a father
    I grew up in an ordinary family. So it seemed to me. I had no friends at school, and therefore had no idea about society. I thought that living with my mother was the norm, because my father was at work. I didn't think about my grandparents, why I don't know their names. But at the age of 10 everyth...