Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • The guy said he could only offer friendship
    I am 23 years old. I was friends with a young man for two years, went to theaters, dined in restaurants, walked until the morning, talked a lot. It even seemed to me that he was in love with me, periodically touched me, hugged me, but everything was within the bounds of decency. He’s never had anyon...
  • Native strangers
    My eldest hates mesister . She is several years older than me, we grew up separately, she was given to her grandparents, and I was given to my mother and father. As a child, I remember how my dad constantly scolded her and was strict with her, but he loved me. As a child, I was a daddy's girl. But w...
  • Жизнь без любви
    Мне 38 лет. Я живу в Азербайджане. Пишу впервые здесь и вообще в пространстве интернета, поскольку больше некому сказать о том, что наболело и что до сих пор не отпускает меня.Я поздний и единственный ребенок в семье. Возможно, из-за возраста и статуса родителей, росла очень серьезным, рассудительны...
  • Husband can't provide for his family
    In my opinion, I have a global problem: I am 25 years old, I have two sons (3 years and 1 year 3 months) andhusband (not legal, not married). The fact is that I feel constantly depressed, I don’t want anything, I almost always feel bad, I’m angry and irritated almost all the time. I can’t feel any e...
  • The child is destroying our family
    I am 30 years old, my wife is 29. Before our child was born, we had a biglove for 5 whole years!The pregnancy was planned (how I regret it!). When he was bornbaby and it started. Screams, whims, we don’t sleep at night, nerves, my mother-in-law intervenes, starts helping, living with us. I am workin...
  • Ненавижу себя за такой выбор
    После скоропостижной смерти мужа мы остались с сыном одни. Хорошая квартира в престижном районе города, отличная работа, замечательный коллектив, руководящая должность, хорошая зарплата. Жили тихо и спокойно. Я с головой была погружена в работу, она занимала практически все мое время, о личной жизни...
  • Practical household appliances or romantic bouquets?
    I read Marina's story about howher husband bought her a fur coat as a gift, which she did not need - and she saw herself directly in this confession. My husband also likes to give unnecessary, but beautiful and romantic gifts.While we were dating, I was simply happy with his tenderness and romance. ...
  • Our daughter's pregnancy
    I separated from my husband and stayed with my daughter. I can’t say anything bad about my husband: he helps us, he loves usdaughter . We separated becausemy husband always insisted that I leave my job, but I didn’t want to sit at home, because... I really love my job. I work as a translator and oft...
  • My husband left me and married for the fourth time
    Life is like everyone else's. I met a man older than myself 7 years ago. At that time I had been divorced for 10 years.I met him at work. We dated for 5 years. He and I got married, I accepted his child from his first marriage. After I leftwhen I got married , I found out that he had a second onewif...
  • Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce
    My first mother-in-law placed chicken feathers under my doormat. She did it to my death. She hated me because shemy son married me without her consent.Mymy husband studied to become a military man in my city, where we met. He has an older onesister , who moved to Moscow and works there as a waitress...
  • Do I need this meeting?
    Back in my school years, I accidentally met a boy two grades older. We were friends, walked together, he helped with homework. One day he told me about his feelings, but I could not reciprocate, since I hadboy .A lot of time has passed. I had other guysI’m married now, but I still can’t let him go. ...
  • Married a man with a child
    I leftmarried to a man with a child. The boy is 13 years old and he has cerebral palsy, he can’t walk, he’s covered in saliva. We live in another country and mya husband who loves his child very much, a Sunday dad. He also fully supports his child and ex-wife, which means we have to tighten our belt...
  • How can I live with three small children?
    It so happened that today the words were said: “I don’t love you anymore, confirm the divorce.”My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 8 of them. During this time, we had three children, three beautiful sons, the youngest is not even a month old. All minepregnancy passed withou...
  • Parents love older sister more
    My sister and I have a big age difference. I hardly know her; we have never communicated closely. She moved out when I was still 6 years old. I started living with my boyfriend in my grandmother’s apartment, and after my grandmother’s deathMom signed the apartment over to her.Although we made attemp...
  • My husband regrets my food
    Myhusband getsmoney from passive income, he is very lazy. But I chose this one, so I don’t complain, I accept the fact as it is. I myself am getting a higher education and working at a low-paying job so that I can at least bring something of my own home.But I began to notice how my husband regretted...
  • Mom believes that household appliances are not needed in the house
    Now there is an opportunity for all housewives to make it easier for themselveslife and save time on homework with the help of household appliances. But mineMom doesn’t think so and constantly scolds me for what I (in her understanding) wastemoney instead of saving it for a rainy day. I’m trying to ...
  • We were able to save our family
    UMy husband had a similar situation as in this story. We lived with his tyrant father for six months. He raised his hand to me only once - when I tried to take away my husband’s documents from him, which he did not give to him.My husband has a psychiatry group that was made for him by himfather to m...
  • I hate cleaning and live in a constant mess
    I hate cleaning. I understand that this is bad, but I can’t help it.I have all my things scattered around my apartment, unwashed dishes, cups near the computer, on the balcony and even under the sofa. I'm not even talking about unwashed windows, unironed linen and clothes. Even in the summer I wear ...
  • The husband perceives maternity leave as a vacation
    From time to time I read life stories here. Life situations, the situation of which you cannot tell all your family and friends about. And in our time, close people are one or two too many. That's how it is for me.Someone, after reading my story, will think, nonsense, there is nothing to do. But we ...
  • How can I break up with a guy without offending him?
    I never thought that I would have to set myself such a task - to break up with a guy. To be honest,I'm a pretty girl , but very insecure. When all my friends already had boyfriends, I felt somehow lonely and terribly inferior, because at that time I didn’t have a boyfriend yet.Now I understand that ...