Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I can't come to terms with my parents' divorce
    I was 10 years old when my parents divorced, and my brother was only 8. They divorced because my dad came home drunk and raised his hand to my mother (he didn’t hit, he just raised him). It seemsMom got very angry about this and decided to file fordivorce . I think this is a stupid decision, and my ...
  • I can't get over a toxic friendship.
    I can't get over a toxic friendship.I got used to my friend over the years of friendship, but now I understand that thisfriendship is toxic and does not bring me anything positive. On her part there is both passive aggression and veiled devaluation,competition looks at everything through the negativ...
  • I've hated myself since childhood
    Scold me. People like me are a godsend for virtual trolls. The fact is that I have hated myself since childhood. This is understandable: I was an unwanted child, so I deserved parental abuse. But despite all this, she studied well and was not a troublemaker.Then I entered university, graduated and b...
  • What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in raising children?
    I don’t know what to do, my mother-in-law is very meddlingraising children (2 and 3 years old). We live together, there is no opportunity to live separately, salaries are small, plus my mother-in-law periodically helps financially. But given all this, she doesn’t understand that we are parents and s...
  • Husband admitted cheating again
    My husband and I have been married for 38 years. Of these years, he cheated for all 35 years, and I didn’t even know, I felt intuitively, and he made some hints, but I didn’t attach any importance. After 10 years of marriage, he admitted that he had cheated, I found it difficult to forgive, but toIt...
  • I can't live with my husband's parents
    I'm only 18 years old. A year ago I moved toguy because of family problems. We then lived with my parents in a rented apartment, and we did not have money for rent. My parents had to go to another city to work part-time, and I went to my boyfriend.Kazakhs have such a tradition, ifWhen a girl crosses...
  • I suspect that my husband is having an affair with my friend
    The situation is very difficult. She believed her husband or thought that he would not go anywhere, or rather even the second option. She began to suspect that he was corresponding with his daughter’s coach, she was wildly jealous, she pestered him with her suspicions without evidence, she could not...
  • Why do people ignore me?
    С детства я была интровертом. У меня была пара подружек, и мне этого хватало с головой. А свое свободное время я проводила в компании игрушек или книг.В школе меня не любили. Я была серой мышкой, которую порой не стеснялись колотить. В университете же меня просто игнорировали. Я долгое время пыталас...
  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...
  • How to improve your relationship with your daughter?
    Surely many have found themselves in difficult family situations and somehow dealt with them. Tell me if you can. I am 39 years old and work as a nurse. 20 yearsMarried . I have a daughter, Margarita, 16 years old. At one time, I probably did something very stupid when I dropped out of medical schoo...
  • My wife left me at the most difficult moment, and now she offers to return
    There is a terrible dead end in the relationship with my wife. Unfortunately the child was not destined to be born. The wife was brought in by relatives. Despite all my efforts, what was most feared happened.We were treated for a long time, there was a cleaning operation, then complications and a re...
  • A man offers to pay off my loan, but I don’t want to get addicted
    I always dreamed of having my own car, and as soon as I got a job after university, I immediately took itcar loan When the pandemic began, I couldn’t be happier with my purchase, because, despite the restrictions, I could remain mobile, move freely around the city and go on vacation to beautiful pla...
  • Relationships with mother-in-law: what should they be like?
    Imarried 3 years. Everything is fine with my husband, except for one “but” - hisMother . For some reason, she thinks that I should be a friend to her, share my experiences, ask for advice, discuss everythingproblems , talking on the phone with her for hours... In general, she is trying to become my ...
  • I cheated on my husband because I want to be happy
    We have been living in a civil marriage for seven years. We have two kids. Firstthe child is mineson from his first marriage, and our second together.We had perfectrelationship , but at some point he began to find fault with me over all sorts of trifles. Either the soup was cold, or the towel was no...
  • My parents ruined not only my childhood, but my whole life.
    Mymother alllife took offense at my grandmother because she lived with her stepfather. According to her, her stepfather treated her badly when she was little, called her names and even tried to hit her. He was a front-line soldier.At the age of 16, her mother left home and began renting a room and g...
  • An inheritance that brings more negativity than benefit
    There is a house in the village that I inherited from my uncle. The house is neglected and requires constant investments and repairs. It's a shame to sell. Mom and aunt live there in the summer and love it very much.I also love going there, but so far there are no clear plans to move there. I can’t ...
  • I can no longer tolerate my husband's regular binges.
    My husband and I have been married for 5 years and have a wonderfuldaughter , she is 4 years old. He is 10 years older (soon 40). The marriage is simply bursting at the seams. I'm thinking about divorce.He had problems with alcohol before marriage (I’m his thirdwife ), but when we met, we were datin...
  • I don't want a husband like my father
    In my family it so happened that the main breadwinnermother . She cared more about material stability, was more concerned about my sister and I’s financial well-being, and did a lot for us in this regard, even going so far as to buy each of us an apartment. And by nature she is more lively, active, ...
  • The price of betrayal
    We're talking about my little sister. We are already well over 30 years old. Each has its ownfamily , husbands, children. We communicate periodically. We try not to interfere in each other’s lives, but sometimes certain events about my sister’s life reach me. Fromcolleagues at work found out almost ...
  • The guy doesn't offer a serious relationship
    I want to understand my feelings for a man and understand what feelings he experiences. Now we rarely communicate, and only as acquaintances. There is one peculiarity of a man - he does not know how to communicate with women, so the beginning of our communication was on my initiative. How it happene...