
  • I wish I had a father
    I grew up in an ordinary family. So it seemed to me. I had no friends at school, and therefore had no idea about society. I thought that living with my mother was the norm, because my father was at work. I didn't think about my grandparents, why I don't know their names. But at the age of 10 everyth...
  • I can't handle my jealousy over my boyfriend's past.
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months. He is 4 years older than me (I am 18 years old). This is the first for merelationships , but I'm not the firstthe girl in his life. And it didn’t bother me at all until one fine evening.We were lying in an embrace, watching a movie and he called me...
  • I want to be better than my ex-girlfriend in everything
    I don’t know how to describe the feelings I have for my ex-girlfriend. She is 22, I am 21. I don’t want to call it envy, because I’m sure that I don’t envy her.Imarried , while she constantly changes boyfriends. I’m getting a higher education, she works (having received a specialty as a pastry chef)...
  • I'm not like others
    I am 30 years old. I'm young and strong. Good position and good salary. Eatfamily . In general, everything is like everyone else. But for many years I have been tormented by the thought that I live in vain. No goals, no desires.Since childhood, I was only interested in books; I did not like to play ...
  • My friend's love story
    I have a childhood friend. While he and I were single, we saw a lot of things, but one day he “put on rose-colored glasses” when he met a girl named Yulia. For some reason I didn't like her right away. At first I couldn’t even understand why - she seemed kind, sociable...They met beautifully, always...
  • People like this annoy me
    I was at the beauty salon today. While the master was doing my manicure, I came for a haircuta girl of about thirty. I have never met such talkative people. In those twenty minutes that she had her hair cut, we learned everything about her life. Even the smallest details.She started from the very be...
  • How I ruined my life and was left at a crossroads
    I am now 23 years old. I would like to say that I had an ordinary and goodfamily , but, alas, this is not so. My parents often drank, had constant scandals and fights, my father has post-traumatic syndrome and shell shock, and the military town in which I spent my childhood now resembles a real excl...
  • My girlfriend's past turned out to be not so perfect
    I met a girl, mutual feelings, we started dating. Together for 1.5 years. The girl is smart, caring, affectionate, loving.One day I came across her phone number. In it, I accidentally came across a period tracking program. Every day there were marks there, I asked her what a mark like a heart meant....
  • Ex-girlfriend's boyfriend
    I love my boyfriend very much, but on the one hand he infuriates me. His name is Andrey, he is a very handsome boy, he is 19 years old.It all started with him calling me by the name of his ex during sex.girlfriend and my exgirlfriends . It turns out that I fought him off from my best friend. I know ...
  • The virtual groom turned out to be a gigolo
    In the winter I broke up with a guy with whom I had lived for several years in a civil marriage, as they call it beautifully. We broke up because of his addiction to alcohol.Actually, that’s why I never decided to registerrelationship officially, doubted this trait of his, which was increasingly man...
  • The husband's unreasonable jealousy after his first unsuccessful marriage
    My husband and I have known each other, so to speak, since the cradle - we communicated well since childhood, were friends, but the love that I so dreamed of did not exist. The realization that I had fallen in love came only when Sasha hadyoung woman . I was deeply jealous of him for her, but I trie...
  • My husband stopped paying attention to me and is looking for entertainment on dating sites
    I am writing my real story to getadvice and figure it out.Married for 8 years. The story began with love. My husband is very good, conscientious and kind. We fell in love and got married a year later. The only thing thathusband always had his own standards of female beauty (he never hid the fact tha...
  • Сын сделал свой выбор
    Меня также предал сын, как и автора этой исповеди. Как только сын женился из-за незапланированной беременности девушки, супруга сразу взяла его в оборот.Наши мусульманские семьи очень дружные и в радости и в беде. К сожалению, он женился на литовке. Холодной, расчетливой, меркантильной. Эта женщина ...
  • Парень меня обманул и унизил
    Со мной познакомился парень, ухаживал очень красиво и довольно убедительно обещал крепкие отношения. Стали встречаться. Переспали. Начала замечать, что телефон прячет или ставит на авиа режим. Спросила, почему так делает, сказал, что не хочет, чтобы нам мешали.Он оставался только три ночи подряд со ...
  • I don't trust women
    He met his future wife while a student. There wasn’t a lot of money, so we met at her apartment, which she rented with two other girlfriends.One day I stayed up late, Sonya persuaded me to stay the night, and I didn’t resist. It came to sex, I say it’s somehow inconvenient,the girls will come now. S...
  • Не воспользовался своим шансом
    Хотелось бы рассказать историю, которая приключилась в моей жизни недавно. Ночью мне снился ласковый сон, причем он был необычайно прекрасен. Мне привиделась девушка неземной красоты. Она была очень красива, но как только я начал к ней приближаться – она тут же исчезла и я, к сожалению, проснулся, к...
  • Why don't girls like me?
    I am 22 years old. Lived in a happy family. Mom and dad love each other madly. Those who say that love does not exist and that these are fairy tales, do not believe it. I saw this with my own eyesLove .I really want a relationship like that of my parents. I envy them very much and admire them at the...
  • История о меркантильности и душевном кризисе
    Мне 31 год. Женат больше 10 лет, мы с супругой были друг у друга первые. У нас есть ребенок, 6 лет.Год назад мне на работе предложили годовой контракт заграницей. Мы обсудили это семьей, и я согласился. Жена с ребенком остались. У нас своя хорошая квартира, неплохая машина, накопления, помогаем роди...
  • Любви не существует
    Говорят, мужчины не плачут. Это, наверное, говорит тот, кто никогда по-настоящему не любил, по-настоящему не страдал. Конечно, никто не видел моих слез и никогда не увидит, никто не знает о моих переживаниях и том, что рвет мне душу, поэтому я решил написать сюда, где меня никто не знает. Просто зах...
  • A time of downcast eyes and unhearing ears
    Over the past year, I began to feel somehow uncomfortable on the street. For a long time I couldn’t understand what annoyed me, what had changed. I recently realized that I can’t see eyes at all, I don’t catch glances. Everyone wanders like in that chocolate advertisement with an unusual cow (I don’...